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  • From Ashanark on Admiral Ackbar

    My nephews and I love this deck, but some questions about Attack Run came up last session:

    1) This page says Wedge moves 7 spaces, but the .pdf says specifies he moves in a *straight line.* Which one is intended? The former is stronger, but the latter’s more interesting.

    2) Wedge must stop his attack run on an empty space, right? So even though he moves 7, he can only hit 6 characters max, right? (42 damage still gives my man Wedge the best potential 1-turn output in the game, though. I love that.)

    3) If Wedge COULD move a 6th space and attack an enemy, but there’d be no empty 7th space to move to after (due to obstacles, reaching a corner or edge, or it already being occupied), must Wedge end his run early at the 5th space and leave the enemy on space 6 unattacked? (This is a much bigger issue for the “straight line” variation of Attack Run.) Can Wedge stop at space 5 but hit the guy at space 6 like a normal attack, without passing over him?

    Just curious to see if there was any original intent from this we should know about, or gut reactions on how to handle the question. My group settled on “Wedge ends the run early at space 5 and the guy in spot 6 goes unattacked” and it decided the game, so we are all curious 😛

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    • From roman on Admiral Ackbar

      Thanks for the questions. Whatever the card says is what matters, not what’s on this page. I try to keep them all aligned but there are like 80 of them.

      1) Go with the card.

      2) Yes, Wedge has to stop on an empty space that he could occupy.

      3) You all got it correct in how it works with obstacles. No, Wedge cannot stop short and still hit someone. It’s the same for the Eomer deck if you’re a LOTR fan, and that’s key to how you play against him and therefore Wedge too.

      So maps are key with Wedge. If he can go in a straight line like the Emperor’s Throne room, he can do a lot of damage. But it’s not like Wedge is supposed to be a regular 42-damage dealer! If he can attack even 2 characters, that’s pretty good, and 3 is great. We saw him mow over 4 Dark Troopers one time, but Wedge’s team still lost so…

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  • From Steven Breck on Aurra Sing

    Where can I find the figurines?

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  • From ANGELO VANDERPUTTEN on LOTRED - Print and Play

    Hello, thank you for all your work. I can’t seem to get the LOTR Legends Expansion. How do I go about getting those?

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    • From roman on LOTRED - Print and Play

      Hello and thanks for your interest. They were always available on the main LOTRED page:

      But I’ve also added them here as well. Have fun, and let us know your experiences with them!

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  • From JAG18 on Master Sol

    I downloaded the vassal extension, but couldn’t find it in the window, so checked the file. It’s in x3150, y100, but I think you meant for it to be the other way around?

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  • From Board Game Design Blog: Creating conditions and then paying them off – Geektopia Games on Magic on Adrenaline: Black Rose Wars review

    […] blog, BRW is a game of intense, “royal rumble” style magic combat game, which did get a full review a while back.  You and the other mages are confined to a fairly small “lodge” and go […]

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  • From Andrew on Epic Duels

    Hey, all.

    Just started playing this with my son after having played with my friends years and years ago. I ended up printing them the cards out on basic card stock and sleeving in MTG sized sleeves. I printed the maps out on 11×17 paper and laminating. Then, we use Lego SW figures for the for the characters. It is a blast! Thanks to everyone who put in the effort for the custom decks and maps!

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    • From roman on Epic Duels

      Thanks Andrew! We’d love to see pictures of your games with Lego Star Wars figures! That’s how we started out when we printed out first fan decks, before Star Wars Miniatures (and now 3D prints) came along. I still think Legos are a great way to go, they have so many SW characters now and it’s easy to create new characters from the many parts.

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      • From Andrew on Epic Duels

        Hey, Roman.

        What would be a good way for me to share pictures of my game setup with you?


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  • From Apetoes on Lord of the Rings Epic Duels

    These are amazing! Thank you for what must be countless hours of dedication. Can’t wait to give this a go this weekend. Much appreciation to everyone involved.

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    • From roman on Lord of the Rings Epic Duels

      Thanks for giving it a look! It’s an older game now, but it still checks out. Let us know if you need help printing, and definitely let us know if you end up playing it and how it goes for you.

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  • From JAG18 on Sabine Wren

    The card titles in the vassal version are squished. Also do the effects on FREE SPIRIT stack? So if Sabine is adjacent to the target and has no cards the attack value is 12?

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    • From roman on Sabine Wren

      Yes the effects do stack. I’m not sure the best way to express that.

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      • From JAG18 on Sabine Wren

        Maybe “If Sabine is adjacent to the targeted character, add 1 to this card’s value and/or if you have no cards in your hand after playing this card, add 5 to this card’s value.”

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  • From Raven – Epic Dueling Comics on Quinlan Vos

    […] original and fun decks, and thus one of my favorites. I will give some credit to Geektopia’s Quinlan Vos deck for helping me balance it […]

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  • From Jacob on Unmatched

    Unless I missed it you don’t have Buffy listed here.

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    • From roman on Unmatched

      I don’t have those or the Marvel decks either. If someone wants to give me all the card descriptions, I’ll post pages for those.

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  • From Matthew Auton on Essence of Eternity

    Hi, I was a backer on kickstarter but was unable to afford it on the date you needed payment, is there any way of being able to pay for a copy or has the chance gone?

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    • From roman on Essence of Eternity

      Hello, thanks for your interest. The campaign has ended, so you will have to wait until it goes to retail to buy it. We’ll make an announcement here when it does, or you can sign up for our newsletter.

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  • From Maulsanta on Bilbo Baggins

    Could you specify the function of sting? Which damage does it double? Previous damage up to 6? Following damage up to 6? Does it have to be damage from the same turn? Having difficulty because there’s nothing specific to the description. Could you possibly give an example? Not sure if it means 6 base damage before doubling or up to 6 doubled damage as well. Thanks! Love playing all of these decks and appreciate the work put in!

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    • From roman on Bilbo Baggins

      Hi, thanks for your interest.

      Any damage done by STING as an A4 is doubled. If it is defended with a D3, it does 2 damage (1 damage doubled). If it is defended with a D2, it does 4 damage (2 damage doubled). If it is defended with a D1, it does 6 damage (3 damage doubled). If it is not defended, it does 6 damage (4 damage doubled is 8, but the card says “up to 6 total”). Hope that helps.

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      • From Maulsanta on Bilbo Baggins

        Thank you! So it only applies to STING and no other bilbo cards correct? Does this also mean it can apply to the STING card in the Frodo/Sam deck?

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        • From roman on Bilbo Baggins

          It applies only to Biblo’s STING card — no other Bilbo cards, no other STING cards.

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  • From Snarflcat on 10 Deadliest Characters in The Expanse

    This is a Potential Baddass List, NOT A KILL COUNT.
    It’s A Kill Count that I need. (Don’t ask why, it’s a secret mission… Ubiquitous Mendacious Polyglotal.)

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  • From lois on C-3PO Golden God

    i don’tunderstand the card divine influence

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    • From roman on C-3PO Golden God

      Hi Lois, thanks for your interest. Anyone adjacent to an Ewok or C-3P0 takes 2 damage, and for each damaged character, you discard a card. What’s not clear?

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  • From Lorin Crandall on 10 Deadliest Characters in The Expanse

    Avasarala may not be a fighter, but she did make choices that cost a lot of belters their lives after the ring gates opened.

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    • From roman on 10 Deadliest Characters in The Expanse

      She may not use guns, knives or fists, but Chrisjen is absolutely a fighter! One of the feistiest fighters in the series. She’s also called on to make one extremely difficult decision after another and can’t be expected to get them all correct.

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  • From James on Cage Match!

    Would you be willing to share any clunky/unused fighters or moves/combos, either online or offline, that fans could print-and-play?

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    • From roman on Cage Match!

      Hi James, thanks so much for your interest. I’ve been meaning to respond to your prior comment. Yes, I can share some of those ideas. There is a bit of a formula to the power moves I can share as well. Just a bit busy right now.

      As for Wizard Bags & Biscuits, thanks for your interest in that as well. However, we will likely be announcing another project shortly.

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  • From Douglas P Lawlor on Making Epic Decks Part 1 of 3

    How do you guys make your own character pieces? Just curious.

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    • From roman on Making Epic Decks Part 1 of 3

      Hi Doug, do you mean the figures? They are very hard to find these days. The figures page at the Wiki is your best resource, and you can ask questions there as well:

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  • From Freaky Mutant Man on The Nazgul

    These have always been big favorites of mine for as long as I’ve been playing with the LOTR sets (so as far back as, like, 2016/2017) – they just feel good to play, and always feel effective without being overwhelmingly so. When I don’t know who else to play, they’re a common go-to, and in my experience new players are often drawn to them even if their unconventionality might make them somewhat poor picks to introduce the game with.

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  • From Carter on Epic Duels


    I’ve been a big fan of LOTR epic duels, printed it all off and enjoyed all the decks. I’ve been trying to make my own, just wondering if you have the base photoshop files for the original 18 decks. They look so beautiful and I would like to continue the art style in my decks that I’m making!

    If you happen to have those it would be so amazing, I’d definitely publish my characters too. Also if you have the star wars epic duel base photoshop files that would be killer!

    Thanks for everything already! I love this community


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  • From James on Cage Match!

    Heavyweights, wrestlers, boxers…

    Any new content coming?

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    • From roman on Cage Match!

      Hi James. Thanks for asking, but it doesn’t look likely. We have some other projects going right now. Maybe we can do some fan-made stuff.

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      • From James Reynolds on Cage Match!

        Fair enough. The not really a need for heavy weights since weight classes are represented on the Hit Point chart and really just for flavor and game length.

        I guess, just new fighters is the only thing needed. With time, my first idea was just to gender swap the existing, tested, fighters to allow for larger tournaments.

        You mention doing some fan made stuff, are there any art files or design philosophies you would care to share with the fans?

        Did you guys have any formula or pattern that you used to create the individual moves and combos?

        Would you be willing to share any clunky/unused fighters or moves/combos, either online or offline, that fans could print-and-play? Possibly the Advanced Mode that you mentioned in a design diary post.

        I can’t wait to check out what you do with Wizard Biscuits & Wizard Bags since the first game I designed at 11 or 12 was Knight Ball, a rules variation of croquet. I love this type of game design – simple and fun.

        Thanks for your time

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        • From roman on Cage Match!

          So, if you look at the Hook, it does 3 damage. Anyone can add 2 focus, and do a hook for up to 7 damage. So, if a special move is going to be a Hook, and it’s going to cost 2 focus, it really needs to do at least 8 damage (if not 9) or there’s nothing “special” about it, it’s just a Hook that anyone can do.

          So that’s really the formula: Pick your move (Hook, Round Kick, etc.) and give it a fun name, start with 2 focus and give it just a little more damage than what the standard move with 2 focus would do to make it special. From there you can play with it, maybe increase the dice and/or damage, or throw in a fun “critical hit” like Kentaro’s Whirlwind Kick, we probably need more of those.

          For the ground moves it’s all a bit trickier, but again, anyone can use 1 focus and add +1 to their dice, so a special move needs to be just a tick better than that. I felt like there were more submission moves to explore in an expansion.

          One clear idea I had for a heavyweight is a Chuck Lidell type. His special ability is +2 to all Jabs, which is so devastating against ground types that I’d only give him one special, a big Hook of some sort.

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  • From Justin on LOTRED - Print and Play

    Hello! I was super excited to come across this site and LOTRED content. My brother and I have been playing SWED since we were kiddos, and still play to this day. I am going to try to print a *core box* of this game consisting of the first 12 Heroes. I noticed that those files are JPG while later expansions you have are PDF, and wanted to see if anyone made the PDF versions for the older files?
    If not, do you have a way of sharing better quality or original files for those? Printing quality on the JPG is not very good and I think there is a lot of compression on the JPG download. I tested a PDF, and those are printing great!
    I will definitely share my results if I can get stuff to come out good! My hope is to have a sweet surprise to bring to game night. 😉
    Thank you! and thanks to all who have contributed! This content is absolutely amazing!

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  • From Separatist18 on Bo-Katan Kryze

    Is the dark saber supposed to be a ranged attack?

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  • From Forbidden Psalm – Mörk Borg Skirmish Gaming – Geektopia Games on Modular Wargaming Terrain: A Low Cost How-to DIY

    […] started using one of my modular wargaming boards I made a long time ago, here’s a link to that tutorial I […]

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  • From Noah Peters on The Mandalorian

    Hey I am wanting to play this deck but the Link is not working?

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  • From Andy on Sun Wukong

    Hi can i summon 3 clones at the start of in exchange for 3 health at the start of my turn, or is this once per turn?

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    • From roman on Sun Wukong

      I would ask on boardgamegeek but I’m pretty sure it’s just the one per turn.

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