I had a thought about paring aurra sing with a young boba based off of their temporary alliance in the clone wars animated show. Also a mother talzain savage opress deck could be interesting
Going by New Canon material (mostly The Clone Wars, don’t think much else has covered this yet), I think the most fitting minor for Boba would be Bossk. Aurra could work, but Bossk seemed to be looking after and working with Boba long after Aurra left the picture. Cad Bane *could* also work as Boba’s minor from a character relationship viewpoint (there was going to be an arc where Cad mentored Boba), but that would be more of a disservice to Cad than anything; dude belongs as the lead of his own deck.
(The relationships between the bounty hunters are quite a change from Legends/EU continuity, where most of them didn’t really seem to get along with each other much. Now Bossk and Dengar are old family friends of Jango and they all seem to get along pretty well. to the point where Bossk is actually protective of Boba. I kinda like it, hoping it gets explored a bit more somewhere along the line.)
Interesting. I’m not familiar with the new canon material but even by your description. Dengar remains a suitable minor for Boba. At this point, we’re not going to change our deck pairings, obviously.
I figured, it was just something I thought of after my recent binge watch of TCW and I saw an opportunity to talk about it a bit. I might take a crack at a Boba tweak that gives him Bossk as a minor, but I have other deck ideas I’m more interested in doing first, not to mention tweaking decks I’ve already made.
I’m curious as to your guys thoughts on bigger games as me and one friend like to play 6v6 (or 7v7 now that I got pieces for Poo koon and luminara) I feel like in some ways it adds more strategy and makes you really think about what you are going to do every turn
Yeah, there are some fun elements to playing a bigger game but even at 3v3, I find the game changes quite a bit. Ranged characters and characters that can do damage from a distance really power up, which I think is fine. Moreover, you have to build custom maps for games that are 3v3 or bigger, and those can change the dynamics quite a bit based on how you build them. Overall I don’t think Epic Duels is well-suited to bigger games, while there are some really great systems out there for that kind of stuff like Star Wars Miniatures or Imperial Assault. I think it’s fun for Epic Duels every once in a while.
Interesting, I find it more entertaining than a smaller game it can take longer but the whole game can still come down to one clever move or one lucky draw. And for the maps we combine the two original maps and it usually works pretty well. If we try any bigger we will probably and some sort of card draw between turns somewhere
I think the order 66 card is pretty cool i made a chancellor palpatine deck (hasn’t been tweaked has some kinks to work out) where i have a card that allows you to assume control of one enemy minor character and also one random card of that character for one turn any thoughts or tweaks on this idea?
Thanks Josiah. We’ve tinkered with cards like that, I think our Sidious deck might even have had a card like that at the very beginning before we streamlined him. Ultimately, we gave the effect to Sly Moore, though we found, and still find, the mechanic difficult to define and annoying in its effect. Yours is slightly less powerful, I would drop the “random card” part of it, good luck.
I did random because the rest of the deck is designed to be better the more players in the game. i haven’t been able to test it very much, as i was just able to purchase this game and my friends haven’t played the original 12 yet. so i played 1v1 against obi-wan to make sure it wasn’t super op and it got beat comfortably but i think it might be to strong in a bigger game.
For major characters, you’ll probably have to spring the $5-10 for proper pieces. You can save money if you can find a single lot with many of the characters you want decks for, that’s what I did. Alternatively, many characters have multiple sculpts, e.g. search for Darth Sidious or Palpatine and you’ll find that there are many options and some are going to be much cheaper than others. If you really don’t want to spend money, then you’re kind of bound to proxy figures, e.g. use the Epic Duels Palpatine figure for Darth Sidious.
Aaron Shockley’s bloomilk.com is a good source for what Star Wars Minis figures are out there.
Where do you guys find other mini figures for the custom decks? And are you guys gonna be making more decks? I have seen some on other sites but you guys have the best setup by far.
Hi Will, thanks for the kind remarks. Feel free to leave feedback on any of the individual deck pages. By now you’ve probably seen that we have decks for Kylo Ren and for Rey & Finn. We will make more if we are so inspired to.
Hi Chris, thanks for asking. I buy 110 lb. cardstock from Staples and I print on a full-color printer. I try to use the one at work because it can get expensive. I print on one side, then print the backs on the reverse side. Happy dueling.
if you look at the weapons brkaedown in the instructions that came with the game, only certain weapons can render a one-shot head shot. The ones that can are a.m. rated (anti-material, like brains). Only the Magnum, DMR, Sniper rifle, and the Needler rifle. The Assault rifle, while a formidable weapon, must score multiple hits, either in the body or face, to kill. happy hunting
I know this was posted a long time ago, and chances are you will never se this, but awesome decks. Also, do you have maps available for download as well?
You may want to re-export Shaak Ti’s PDF. The text is fairly difficult to read as it is now. For my purposes, since I play using Tabletop Simulator (which requires you to put all the cards into one image file via a special program), I think image compression would end up rendering the cards even harder to read. I could rectify this by recreating the deck myself in Deck Designer, but not everyone would be willing to do that for just one deck.
(Also, I promise I will get back to you about the Hobbit decks!)nn1
Awesome, really like your character changes and the expansion characters. You guys should try a chessex battle mat for a play surface. Dry erase battle mat that you can make your own maps on. Pretty sweet.
Hi and thanks for your interest. You’re better off asking this question at the Epic Duels (edit: Wiki) http://epicduels.pbworks.com/w/page/9779461/FrontPage as this site is mainly for housing our custom content (is what we do), but here goes:
– There are .PDFs of all our decks and many more. Print on a color printer with 110 lb. cardstock and you should get good results. If you have access to a cutting board, that will make cutting the cards a lot quicker and easier.
– The game Star Wars Minis created figures for just about every character in the SW universe, and many different sculpts for each major character. The game is out-of-print but you can literally get any figure you want on eBay or there are many stores online that sell Star Wars Minis figures, such as strikezoneonline.com, just Google it. If you want to let us know what you’re looking for, we have some spare figures we could sell you. Bloomilk.com is a good resource for SW Minis figures.
Awesome! Thank you very much! I will definitely be checking those sites out for the figurines. I’m not sure what all I’ll be getting but I might ask you about what you have as well.
I really appreciate it!
CG, thanks for your interest and for pointing out the error. I had forgotten to attach Robert Moore’s custom HP chart for this deck. Please take a look at the new version!
Wait, so if Obi defends with his D12 against “Your Powers Are Weak” does he have to discard his entire hand? (I know Obi is cheap himself, but still.) Might want to limit that one to 4 or 5 discards. Just a thought,
Hi Separatist. Thanks for your interest. Since YOUR POWERS ARE WEAK is an A5, the most damage you can defend is 5, so it is capped at 5.
If you defend then lose 5 cards in addition, it’s devastating. CageyBB has argued that it should be capped at 4 — but the only characters with D5 or better are Jedi, so it’s sort of an anti-big-defense or Jedi Hunter type of card.
Thanks for making all of this available! By the way, the “YOU LOSE JEDI” card has some text problems – it says “Play when Card is attacking” and the character name is shown (below the picture) as “New Card”.
My friends and I vassal’d this, we like that he has hints of darkside power with choke.
We don’t have many suggestions but the wording on ‘levitation’ is a bit clunky.
I think it would be cool if Luke could use ‘Choke’ on Majors as well but the attack power would definately have to be toned down if that were true.
I’ve never liked the whole Zam ‘change the attack power dependant on the situation thing.’ This is a more beefed up one which is great but I do like the ‘take double any damage from this card mechanic. Though, now that I think about it, they would work the same way I suppose.
Thanks for the feedback anjetto. I rarely see this deck but I do think it’s pretty fun. I understand what you mean about LEVITATION but I don’t know of a cleaner way to word it. I think it gets the idea across.
anjetto you know as well as anyone I’ve got some other things cooking right now. I’ll get around to posting the working version of this deck, which is basically Scott Hagarty’s Mara deck.
Thanks especially for the feedback, we are always looking to make our decks better.
1) Yes it’s defendable, where does it say that it’s not? It doesn’t count as an action but it can be defended like any other attack.
2) You understand the card correctly but I see how the wording can be confusing. I think your wording is on the money.
Now that you understand how the cards are supposed to work, we’d love to get some feedback on how the deck plays. Overpowered? Underpowered? Fun? Clunky? Let us know!
From Jojo on Aurra Sing
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