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  • From Carlos Vidal on LOTRED - Print and Play

    Where are the rules of the game?

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  • From Carlos Vidal on LOTRED - Print and Play

    Hi. I would like to know about the “rules” of the game?

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  • From BML Designs on Tobias Beckett

    Hey, the link doesn’t work? any chance this could work again?

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  • From Raistlin on King Arthur

    I know, the Boost 4 for those cards may be very strong. It is the tweak I’m monitoring the most.
    Alternatively I also considered to remove it and add the “DRAW 1 CARD.” text as the last sentence in Arthur’s ability (so he can draw when feinted).

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  • From Raistlin on Sherlock Holmes

    Great deck this one. It depicts the characters very well, thematic and strong.

    In the end I tweaked one card (at least for now): COUNTERPUNCH. I limited its direct damage to only 1.

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  • From Raistlin on Medusa

    A very strong ranged deck.
    For a ranged deck, Medusa has too many defences in my opinion, granting her a bit too much staying power, so I tweaked one card, HISS AND SLITHER; now it has defense 2.

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  • From Raistlin on Big Foot

    This deck is really straightforward and strong. A bit too much in my opinion.

    So, for now, I tweaked two cards in Bigfoot’s deck to better balance it. LARGER THAN LIFE is now Attack 5 and IT’S JUST YOUR IMAGINATION is now Defense 1.
    I think it should be enough to better balance it.

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  • From Raistlin on King Arthur

    I really like the game, but King Arthur is WEAK. No doubts about it.

    Here are the tweaks I adopted to rebalance him.

    EXCALIBUR: attack value is now 8
    THE LADY OF THE LAKE: added “Gain 1 action.”
    COMMAND THE STORMS: added “Draw 2 cards.”
    SWIFT STRIKE and REGROUP: the Boost value on these cards is now 4

    Tweaks motivations:

    EXCALIBUR: well, it must be better represented. The magical sword should have had a unique, powerful ability in my opinion. Now, at least, it has a unique powerful value. 8 is a really high value in Unmatched, but considering that on average we will strike with EXCALIBUR once in the game, I think 2 more damage are acceptable. I know, it can be boosted too, but boosting it’s not so automatic with King Arthur as many of us has seen during play. In the end I consider EXCALIBUR a bit like Bowcaster for the Han-Chuby’s deck in Epic Duels, which also has a ‘tutor’ card to find it in the same way THE LADY OF THE LAKE does.

    THE LADY OF THE LAKE: giving to this card the “Gain 1 action” ability will grant a half surprise effect. Half because the opponent will know that your next action will probably be an EXCALIBUR’s attack, but it’s now to you to bluff or not. Anyway the other half of the surprise effect resides in the fact that you can now strike with EXCALIBUR in the same turn you draw THE LADY OF THE LAKE, which is great in my opinion.

    COMMAND THE STORMS: the deck has a terrible lack of drawing power, mostly considering King Arthur’s ability. So I checked all cards, trying to find the one to power up. I wanted a sure un-feintable draw effect, so I opted for a Scheme card. COMMAND THE STORMS is a so and so card by its own, so I found it perfect for the tweak. Now you move all characters 3 spaces and draw 2 cards. It’s strong as a defense, putting spaces between you and the opponent if you need it, for a breath moment; but it’s strong also in offense, shortening distances for an attack, if desired. To be honest I would liked most a King Arthur’s card, but Merlin is quite resilient and it shouldn’t be a great problem to rely on him.

    SWIFT STRIKE and REGROUP: I wanted here some better Boost cards. I chose SWIFT STRIKE and REGROUP because they are not those great cards to play, so at least now they have a better, alternative use.

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    • From roman on King Arthur

      I don’t follow what you did with SWIFT STRIKE and REGROUP but I like the other tweaks, EXCALIBUR especially. Why should Excalibur be no better than an attack Big Foot has 3 of? Yes 8 is a high value but if there’s one card in the game that should be a higher attack than all of the others, it’s Excalibur.

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  • From Raistlin on Is Unmatched the new Epic Duels?

    Ok, I’ll check the page you suggest.
    Yes, I see you produced two games. Congratulations! I’ll check them too.

    I’ve seen your Mandalorian deck. It’s interesting. Ah, by the way, I added some Battle Systems pieces to my SW Epic Duels scenery. Maybe you know the Battle Systems productions. The sci-fi environment is suitable fo SW Epic Duels.

    I’m watching The Mandalorian and I like it. Finally something interesting from the Star Wars universe… I don’t know what you think about it, but the last trilogy was really BAD in my opinion, a total mess and a wasted opportunity to say something new. I think the SW movie saga is irretrievably dead… sigh 🙁


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  • From Raistlin on Is Unmatched the new Epic Duels?

    Un saluto dall’Italia 🙂

    Hi Roman, I’m happy to see you always active at the game table. I bought Unmatched too and I like it very much. I think I’ll buy everithing of the game; I miss the Star Wars brand, to be honest, but I like so much the game system that it’s ok anyway.
    I’m quite satisfied with the average balance of the characters; while one is clearly weak (Arthur) and some are a bit too much strong (Medusa, Bigfoot, S. Holmes), generally the authors did a really good job – also with theme, artwork and new twists to the mechanics.
    You know, I’m obsessed with balance in games, so I’m already tweaking here and there to better balance the whole eheh. However the premises are good, I think I will not have too much work to do in Unmatched! 🙂

    Now I salute you, old friend. In time we will meet again.
    See you!

    Maurizio “Raistlin”

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    • From roman on Is Unmatched the new Epic Duels?

      Ciao Maurizio,

      If you have tweaks please share them at the main Unmatched page! I’m enjoying the game, not that I have gotten much chance to play it in 2020. I have some tweaks for Mando I want to make to get him into the stronger range.

      We’ve got a couple of games out now, have you checked them out?

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  • From Michaël Schouleur on Epic Duels


    Je découvre votre site ce jour.
    Mon fils adore ce jeu.
    Je voudrais lui offrir des extensions.
    Est-il possible d’en acheter?
    Mes compétences en informatique sont très minces……..

    Merci pour votre aide.

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    • From roman on Epic Duels

      Hi and thanks for your interest. You can print out anything you like here onto card stock paper, and cut it out yourself. All you need is a color printer and a pair of scissors.

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  • From umondy on Freedon Nadd

    Nice, I actually was thinking about that he left his biggest impact after his death. So I think this is very fitting. Exar really is the obvious choice even though I always dreamed about a cool deck featuring Aleema and Satal Keto because they are pretty cool and unique but never received any love.

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  • From Aaron (Darth Wolverine) on Cattle die, kinsman die; the self must also die: Raiders of the North Sea review

    I absolutely love this game. One of my favorites, and the app is spectacular for solo play.

    I think you should check out Champions of Midgard as well.

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  • From Dylan on Epic Duels

    There is a lot of helpful info on all the character cards and creating decks, but how did you determine the HP for everyone?

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    • From roman on Epic Duels

      Thanks Dylan. It’s kind of a feel thing, but your majors are generally going to range from 13 to 20. When in doubt, start at 16 and see how that feels. The guidelines posts have more on this:

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  • From Dylan on Basic Decks

    This is SUPER handy! But how did you determine HP for each character? Is there some kind of method for that?

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  • From Ethan on Master Obi-Wan Kenobi

    May I also suggest that “I will do what I must” could be switched to, “Don’t lose it again” referencing in Attack of the Clones, when Obi-Wan gives Anakin his lightsaber back after chasing Zam?

    I feel like “I will do what I must” is such clearly a reference to Obi and Anakin’s battle in ROTS that it doesn’t make sense that the card would heal Anakin.

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  • From Ethan on Jedi Hunter Grievous

    I posted this comment on the Anakin sith page as well, but I’m just looking for more ways to get into this game.
    This page is so cool, my friends and I have been getting SUPER into epic duels the past few months and we’re looking to update our decks to keep things exciting, how would you go about finding physical copies of these decks, figurines, and character sheets?? I would love to find and buy an Anakin Sith and General Grevious if you have any suggestions of websites or other locations!

    I also read these comments and it seems like a lot of people print off character cards themselves?? if you could give a brief explanation it would be SO appreciated, thank you very much!

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    • From roman on Jedi Hunter Grievous

      Hi Ethan, thanks for your interest. You’re at the the right place, here and the Wiki. You will find all the decks and character sheets you need here and there. I would go to the characters section and explore the characters you’re really interested in.

      As for figures, yeah that’s a challenge but start here, and go ahead and post any questions you might have:

      Happy dueling!

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  • From Ethan on Anakin Sith Apprentice

    This page is so cool, my friends and I have been getting SUPER into epic duels the past few months and we’re looking to update our decks to keep things exciting, how would you go about finding physical copies of these decks, figurines, and character sheets?? I would love to find and buy an Anakin Sith and General Grevious if you have any suggestions of websites or other locations!

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  • From James Matthews on Luminara Unduli

    Can you explain Force Bubble
    Tournament tweak? Does the character have to be adjacent to both Luminara AND Barriss to take 2 damage? Or does the character have to be adjacent to just one of them?

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    • From roman on Luminara Unduli

      Sure, you only have to be adjacent to one of them, but the tweak is that even if you’re adjacent to both, you still take only 2 damage. As I think about it here late in 2020, that’s probably what it should have been all along, but the “original” version can do 4 damage to a character adjacent to both Luminara and Barriss.

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  • From Create your own custom Fearsome Wilderness game board – Geektopia Games on Modular Wargaming Terrain: A Low Cost How-to DIY

    […] a previous blog post, Modular Wargaming Terrain: A Low Cost How-to DIY, I described my process for making a large modular terrain board for Warhammer 40K and it was a […]

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  • From Noel Gussen on The History of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) Board Games

    Would you like a copy of DECKFIGHTERS MMA for a proper review? Hit us up with a mailing address. Check the site for more details and the 1st 2 expansion sets.

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  • From Glorioso Dave on Cage Match!

    Love the game and look forward to more fighters. I would love to be a play tester.

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    • From James on Cage Match!

      “Love the game and look forward to more fighters. I would love to be a play tester.”
      I second this comment.

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    • From roman on Cage Match!

      Thanks so much Dave! We really benefit from positive feedback on Amazon and BGG.

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  • From Nathan Stolte on Invisible Man

    With the surprise attack card do you move the fog token just one space or put it anywhere on the map?

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    • From roman on Invisible Man

      It’s probably a better question for the rules section of BGG, but I’m pretty sure it’s just the one space, same as with ROLLING FOG.

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  • From Len Maio on Cage Match! Rules Clarifications

    I’ve been looking around but haven’t found any solo variant rules, official or otherwise. Do any exist you’re aware of? If not, I might play around with designing my own solo rules.

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  • From umondy on Darth Sidious

    Who is discarding the card? Is the attacker discarding 1 card for each character Sidious could attack? Or is Sidious discarding a card for each character that has a line of sight to him? Or is any of those characters in LOS discarding a card except (?) the attacker?

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    • From roman on Darth Sidious

      If you click through to the PDF I think the wording there is a little more clear, but the opponent discards a card for each of his characters that Sidious could attack, even if he’s on the defense.

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      • From umondy on Darth Sidious

        okay, thank you for explaining that is what I THOUGHT it might be as it is the most reasonable of all the options 🙂
        Pretty cool defense card though!

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