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  • From Dak Ecken on LOTRED - For Online Play

    Hey I love the decks, and just started downloading the Vassal software. But when I downloaded the original LOTR decks I cannot find out which of the 5 files in the folder I need to open on Vassal. I tried opening the file titled “ModuleData” on Vassal under “Open Module” but it says that the file “LOTR-Decks-Original12 (1)\moduledata’ is not a valid VASSAL module.” Any help would be greatly appreciated, I am sure it just my unfamiliarity with the software, but I would love to be able to play with some friends!

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    • From roman on LOTRED - For Online Play

      Hi Dak, thanks for your interest. Sorry you’re having some trouble. It reads like you haven’t used Vassal before.

      1. So if you’ve never used Vassal, start with Star Wars Epic Duels by downloading the module here:

      Make sure you can play Star Wars Epic Duels before you do anything else.

      2. In the same directory as your file, create another directory called SWED3-2_ext

      3. Put all of the LOTR (and SW) extensions you’re interested in into the SWED3-2_ext directory.

      The first 12 LOTR decks have their own dedicated “LOTR” window and figures tab. The others will appear in the EXT window and EXT figures tab (the LOTR window and tab are not a base elements, they’re extension elements. Extensions can only modify base elements, not extension elements, if that makes sense).

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      • From Dak Ecken on LOTRED - For Online Play

        Thanks Roman, and yeah its our first day on Vassal and using this program so we are still trying to work out the kinks, but are so happy to be able to even play SWED on vassal. I think the thing messing me up (because I have a pretty basic comprehension of this kind of stuff) is that for me the Vassal version of SWED is not a zip file where I can add new folders into with the LOTR decks. At least for me, my SWED file is not a zip file, the File Type is just a “VASSAL Module” and so I am not able to add subfolders into here as I would if it was a zipfile, and my Vassal file is just a shortcut, so I am having some trouble figuring out where to input the lotr decks.

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        • From roman on LOTRED - For Online Play

          You don’t add files to the Vassal module, whether it’s a zip file or not. You create a separate subdirectory within the same parent directory as your SWED3-2 Vassal module, and call the new subdirectory “SWED3-2_ext” (precisely) and you put extensions in there and it will read them.

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          • From Dak Ecken on LOTRED - For Online Play

            Thanks Roman! It took a few tries to figure out what you meant but I got the LOTR uploads that I wanted and me and my friends are so excited. I had one quick question for you (based on your extensive knowledge of the ED & LOTRED). When using Vassal, any tips for using cards that say “look at any players hand…”? Our issue is that if Player 1 has cards in their hand, and Player 2 opens their hand after using a special, if Player 1 flips the cards over in their hand to show Player 2, the chat logs show which cards Player 1 flipped over in their own hand. I hope this makes sense and just curious if you had any tips for us. Best!

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  • From Mister Sinister – Epic Dueling Comics on Asajj Ventress

    […] deck. Most everything is new material here, though I did bother TORTURE from Geektopia’s Asajj Ventress deck as it seemed to fit Sinister’s […]

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  • From Elektra – Epic Dueling Comics on Adi Gallia

    […] she’s still potentially an ally to the people she cares about. Geektopia’s underrated Adi Gallia & Stass Allie deck provided fitting cards for this […]

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  • From JAG18 on Starscream

    How about this tweak:

    Replace 3x Delusions of Grandeur with:
    A8*: *You may play this card face up to move Starscream up to 6 spaces before attacking. Otherwise, after attacking, you may move Starscream up to 6 spaces.

    And then for good measure, Mecha Surge! Rockets is now: A3*: Add 1 to the attack value of this card for every empty space between Starscream and the defender.

    I’ll admit my new card isn’t particularly inspiring (and may have too many effects), but one of the things that feels off about this deck is that a guy who transforms into a jet doesn’t have any movement cards. This way he has movement and big attacks; although the deck itself still isn’t great these tweaks should make him viable at least.

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    • From roman on Starscream

      An A8 + move 6 is an awesome card for anyone. That’s plenty good. Move AND attack is too good for an A8. He can add it to the dice roll and get to anyone, anywhere with that attack. If you keep it, reduce to A5 at best. But I think he needs an A8 to hang so I prefer A8.

      A STRAFE card would also be cool, where he moves over opponents and does 3 damage to everyone he runs over, but I don’t know where you fit that card in.

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      • From JAG18 on Starscream

        Yeah, I might have been trying to overcompensate with that card since I figure Starscream has the most ground to cover in order to be on/near the same level as the rest of the Transformers decks. I’ll probably just make it an A8 + move 6.

        Your card sounds cool and it would be easy to drop a couple of his SWINDLE cards to make room for it, but I think at that point we’d be getting dangerously close to remaking the deck as opposed to just tweaking it. I’ll try him out with the A8s and see how he performs.

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  • From Killmonger – Epic Dueling Comics on Sora Bulq

    […] to remake the world in his image. The hyper aggressive style reminded me of Geektopia’s Sora Bulq deck, which I’d always wanted to bring to the comics version of Duels in some […]

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  • From JAG18 on Smokescreen

    Do you think this tweak to CRANE SMASH would give him enough of a boost?
    A2*: *Add 1 to the attack value of this card for every card the player controlling the attacked character currently has in his hand.

    Right now, in Geektopia terms, I think Smokescreen is Tier 2C, whereas Red Alert, Demolisher, and Cyclonius, are all Tier 1B/Tier 2A, so it would be ideal to find some tweaks that would close that gap a bit.

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    • From roman on Smokescreen

      Yeah, that A2 would add a lot. Even A1 might be enough.

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      • From JAG18 on Smokescreen

        I tried this tweak out and I think you might be right, but on the other hand I was playing with weaker SW decks so the A2 might be necessary to keep up with the rest of the Transformers decks.

        The reason I’m bringing this up is because I’m thinking of uploading vassal decks for these Transformers decks to the new wiki, but first I thought it might be a good idea to tweak the weaker decks a bit so that’s they’re both funner to play and on the same level as the rest of the set. Although, I’m honestly at a loss as to what to do with Starscream.

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        • From roman on Smokescreen

          Even though I think the best bet with Starscream is to start from scratch, I think we want to preserve some semblance of the original decks.

          In that spirit, take 2-3 of his DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR card and give him something to hit with: A6 at least, possibly as high as A8. He still won’t be really fun and has some wonky cards but he’ll be playable at least.

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  • From JAG18 on Hot Shot

    A little out of the blue, but what do you think about this tweak?


    3x DEADLY AIM: A4: Draw 2 cards.

    Tweak 4x QUICK SHOT: A5: [same effect]

    That way Hot Shot has a reliable “bread-and-butter offense card” that helps him draw into his QUICK SHOTS, which now has a higher base value allowing him to get off big attacks at a more consistent rate. I’ve tried these tweaks a bit and they seem to make him stronger overall although still a bit weak compared to the other “tier 2” decks (Red Alert, Demolisher, and Cyclonius).

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    • From roman on Hot Shot

      So you would have 4x QUICK SHOT? A5*. Show your hand to all players. Add 2 to the attack value for every other Quick Shot card in your hand.

      We tried a version of this in an old Fisto deck and it was pretty weak but that’s ok as long as he has other things to hit with, like your DEADLY AIM card. Your overall version looks fun.

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      • From JAG18 on Hot Shot

        Yeah, that’s it; same effect just a higher value. I actually tried to make my Qi’ra a SWED version of Hot Shot and I think it turned out fine.

        One thing I’m mulling over is whether to keep the name DEADLY AIM or change it to something else. Right now it’s just a reference to the Boba deck, but I’m thinking I could change it to CHARGED SHOT and that way it would poke fun at the fact that the card called QUICK SHOT is the one you need to “charge up” by having up several copies of it in your hand. But, I don’t know.

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  • From JAG18 on Admiral Ackbar

    Just a heads-up, but the vassal download isn’t working.

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  • From Ian on The Endless Quest for Epic Duels Figures: The New Era

    Who’d have thought we’d get to a point this awesome when we were using lego Qui-Gon?

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  • From JusDon on The Endless Quest for Epic Duels Figures: The New Era

    Beautiful figures!
    You had me all over shapeways last week and i ordered almost $200 worth of stuff!
    If you haven’t already, get over to MEL MINIATURES, not just SKULLFORGE
    They have EVEN MORE stuff to choose from.
    I made 12 more decks to my already HUGE mess of ED miniatures.
    Once i’m done painting, i’ll share my stuff with you again!

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  • From Jeff Fleming on Shaak-Ti

    For the figures, can I order them?

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    • From roman on Shaak-Ti

      Hi Jeff, we’re discussing figures at the wiki:

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  • From Nuge on Enfys Nest

    Do you play this as a Good or Evil Deck? Same question for Beckett. I always need more evil characters so I tend to lean that way.

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    • From roman on Enfys Nest

      Hi Nuge, thanks for your interest! In an upcoming blog post, you’ll see them both on the good side, but I think you could play them either way. If this was Star Wars Miniatures, I’m sure both would be considered “fringe” which includes a large, important swath of the Star Wars universe. Do check out the blog in 7-10 days, I should have a new post with a very pretty, painted Enfys Nest figure.

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  • From Matt W on Moff Gideon

    The revised special ability language would be: “At the start of your turn, you may remove 1 Death Trooper from the board. If you do, any opponent Moff Gideon attacks this turn must play their defense cards (if any) face up before you choose and reveal your attack cards.”

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  • From Matt W on Moff Gideon

    Hey Roman – I saw your reply on BGG and have the deck some more thought. I’m good with removing the action manipulation effect from Gideon’s special ability, but I want the ability to have some element of 1) sacrificing his own men to achieve his ends, and 2) having more information about his opponent than the typical foe. Here are some ideas for revised language that still works with the updates deck I proposed: “At the start of your turn, you may remove 1 Death Trooper from the board. If you do…
    Option 1: All of Moff Gideon’s attacks are +1 value this turn.
    Option 2: Moff Gideon’s next attack is +2 value this turn.
    Option 3: Choose an opponent. You may look at that opponent’s hand and the top card of that opponent’s deck.
    Option 4: Moff Gideon recovers 2 health.

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    • From Matt W on Moff Gideon

      I actually just thought of another option for this that does a better job of reinforcing the theme of Gideon is former ISB and knows everything about his enemies: “At the start of your turn, you may remove 1 Death Trooper from the board. If you do, any opponent Moff Gideon attacks this turn must play their defense cards face up before you reveal your attack cards.”

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      • From roman on Moff Gideon

        Maybe I’m missing something but what do you gain if you see the defense card face up? It’s an interesting idea though.

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        • From Matt W on Moff Gideon

          To clarify – Gideon removed a Death Trooper at the start of his turn to activate his special ability. He then announces he is attacking Bruce Lee. Because of the special ability, Bruce has to choose and play his defense face up; Gideon can see what he picked and play his attack card accordingly. The combo of seeing what defense card they placed before you pick your attack card is a massive advantage in lots of situations. If he can attack with either IMPERIAL MIGHT or DARKSABER, he can wait to see the opponent’s defense and react accordingly. For example, if the defender plays FEINT, Gideon would know to play DARKSABER. If the defender chooses not to defend, Gideon can throw down a normally useless REGROUP for guaranteed damage and 2 drawn cards. I do think it’s very powerful, but I don’t think he’d use it more than 2-3 times per game max because of how much he needs his support troops to pull off IMPERIAL MIGHT and deal big damage with BURN THEM OUT and the E-WEB.

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  • From James on Cage Match!

    How are the heavyweights progressing? Let me know if you need playtesters.

    From a design aspect – how did you balance each fighter? Did you have a vague formula or apply values to combos and moves? I am asking because I am really into boxing and would like to make some boxers that fit in Cage Match. Some single discipline fighters would be cool to emulate the OG UFC (ninja vs Capoeira… etc.). Kicking around some ideas for WCW and WWE professional wrestlers. If you plan to do any of these let me know and I’ll back-off and leave it to the professionals.

    Love the game, keep it up.

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    • From roman on Cage Match!

      Hi James, thanks so much for your enthusiastic support of Cage Match! And for stopping by the blog.

      As for the Heavy Weights, I’m working on it 😉 I have some ideas set up already. For right now, Cage Match has a long way to go to be successful enough for a second printing and an expansion, and we have another game, Fearsome Wilderness, coming soon, but we will get there.

      To answer your question about damage values: If you think of it this way, you can spend 2 focus and have a head punch (Hook) do 7 head damage. So, your special move needs to be a bit better than that or it isn’t worth it. If it costs 2 focus, it should do more than 7 damage or have a dice bonus, otherwise your move is no better than your opponent’s Hook . It’s a little trickier with the ground moves, basically 2 focus lets you reduce the need to win 2 dice rolls to 1, or 2 focus should give you more than the typical +2 dice bonus. Make sense?

      If you do create some fan fighters, please post them to BGG. I’ll reply to your post there as well but without the detail.

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      • From sal herrera on Cage Match!

        So submission attempts always require 2 winning dice rolls to gain submission? (except for special submissions )
        Also is Nayeli Robles special #2 supposed to be limb lock submission or is that a misprint?

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        • From roman on Cage Match!

          Hi Sal, thanks for your interest. I never actually caught that typo regarding Nayeli, thanks for pointing that out. It should say “Attempt Choke” instead of “Attempt Limb Lock”.

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          • From Sal on Cage Match!

            Thanks for the reply!
            I am really loving this game and hope for some expansions in the future.

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  • From JusDon on The endless search for perfect Epic Duels figures

    Beautiful! Looking forward to seeing finished products! Definitely going to look into this source!

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  • From Doctor Octopus – Epic Dueling Comics on Jedi Hunter Grievous

    […] his four arms are an iconic piece of comics tech. I drew clear inspiration from Geektopia’s General Grievous deck, running with the four arms concept and expanding it into a complete […]

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  • From Pehes III on Obi-Wan Kenobi

    Hello !
    I’m afraid that your link to the 10YA tournament set actually only points to Mace Windu’s altered 10 YA deck on the wikia. The full set of 10 YA tweaks can still be found, but requires a search on the wiki.
    The three other links work like a charm.

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  • From JAG18 on LOTRED Legends nears completion!

    My last of couple of duels with the new versions of these decks.

    Team Left (Aragorn and Smaug) vs. Team Right (Sauron and Gandalf)

    The luck of the draw seemed to pick favorites early with Sauron drawing INVINCIBLE on his second turn and Aragorn drawing SHARDS on his second turn. Gandalf was steady as always, which helped Sauron immensely.
    Smaug’s MY BREATH IS DEATH and FIERY EXPLOSION combo went off pretty often, taking out the Orcs early and nearly killing Pippin. As I’ve seen before POWER OF THE RING laughed off BREATHE, but in an odd reversal DARK MACE was stopped by a DRAGONSCALES and THERE IS ALWAYS HOPE, which put Aragorn one draw away from an A9 ANDURIL.
    It was at this critical juncture that Sauron had to make a choice to use INVINCIBLE or not and hope that Aragon didn’t have his last A1/D4 which would leave the king with 1 HP remaining and Sauron defenseless against the ANDURIL that Aragorn had been holding back while he bluffed out Sauron’s defense. Sauron took the chance and killed Aragon who only had a D3 and with Arwen already gone, Smaug wasn’t able to win the 2v1, although, he made Sauron pay by bringing him down to 2 HP, but Gandalf was still strong and in the end, the ignored nearly dead Pippin used his PALANTIR to find the STAFF OF LIGHT, which cleaned up what was left of Team Left.

    Isildur and Treebeard vs. Sauron and Eye of Sauron

    After seeing this match, I agree that Isildur might be too tough. Because of a daring and bold assault by The Mouth, Elendil did nothing except power up a COURAGE OF MEN (although Mouth didn’t last long after that.) Any decent Epic Duels player knows how to arrange their characters to avoid THERMAL DETENATOR like cards, but some will need to take a few lumps in order to do the same with RELEASE THE RIVER, which came up big, hitting Sauron, his Mouth, and an Orc. Sauron didn’t draw into his POWER OF THE RING until he had already been wailed on by Isildur’s A8s (all 3 of them!) and Treebeard managed to get an A8 NASTY LITTLE ORC through finishing the Dark Lord off although not before he knocked off quite a lot of bark off the Ent with twin DARK MACEs. The orcs of Mordor evidently built the Tower of Barad-Dur to last, as the Eye was able to survive the 2v1 for several turns in which he finished off Treebeard, but ultimately Isildur and the Ents won the day.

    -Treebeard actually had a pretty great game even if he didn’t survive to the end.
    -Sauron had a bad game with playing two DARK MACEs against Treebeard being his only contribution. He could have played INVINCIBLE, but since he had a POWER OF THE RING in hand it didn’t seem like the best move.
    -The Eye is a deck I’ve actually come to like a lot. In this duel he had as good a duel as any.
    -Isildur could stand to lose his BLADE OF THE HIGH KING although I’m at a loss right now as to what to replace it with.

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    • From roman on LOTRED Legends nears completion!

      Great report! I actually like hearing about Pippin coming through with PALANTIR. It’s like he kinda sucks but that’s a good card for him to have. It’s really cool to hear that Treebeard and the Eye of Sauron are fun, because if they are then this is a great set. The other decks are all fun because they all have these huge moves.

      For now I’m removing BLADE OF THE HIGH KING and just giving him a 3rd COURAGE OF MEN but that’s a good card too. I feel like removing an attack card, though, would take a lot away from him. If we really need to water him down we could give him some kind of movement & draw cards or something but at least he’s fun this way. I thought about reducing Elrond’s A11 too but it’s his only big move, shouldn’t he have one big move? They’re fun decks to play, and yes, they’re tough and so is Gandalf, but so are Sauron, Smaug, Balrog and the Eye, even though they seem to keep coming up short.

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      • From roman on LOTRED Legends nears completion!

        Shortly after posting this I ran another play test and Sauron and the Eye pretty much mopped up Elrond and Isildur. Mainly, they killed Isildur before he did much and Elrond couldn’t do enough on his own.

        I’m actually adjusting Smaug’s DRAGON SCALES to make them a little better, but I think I’m happy with the LOTR Legends set the way it is.

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        • From JAG18 on LOTRED Legends nears completion!

          Glad to hear that the bad guys could get a win against the big two good guy decks. I haven’t played any more since my last report as other games have been taking up my time these days.

          So, I guess for the time being this set is “done”; or at least as done as any Epic Duels deck can be. 😀

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  • From roman on LOTRED Legends nears completion!

    So I took Elrond and Isildur against Sauron and Smaug. This is what happened:

    Elrond and Isildur won, and I tried to help Sauron and Smaug as much as I could, letting Smaug’s big MY TEETH ARE SWORDS get through for A10 on Elrond. Sauron didn’t get a great draw. He got the new A12 early, but it’s not a good card in the thick of the game since you can’t defend. He got off a big DARK MACE and a pair of MALICE AND HATE but it wasn’t quite enough to counter Isildur’s A8 and A12. He and Isildur basically canceled each other out, leaving Elrond to face Smaug. Elrond is just so very tough and played a patient game waiting for WEAK SPOT so he could carve Smaug up with his A11. In the end it came down to Elrond’s Elf Archer facing Smaug with 1 HP and both Fire Pillars, but he took them all down without really breaking a sweat. Those strong minors make a big difference. The new Sauron isn’t too strong, I can tell you that. Isildur might need to be toned down a little. I don’t know if he needs BLADE OF THE HIGH KING, he already has STRENGTH OF MANY as a potential big attack plus his A12. Elrond is just so very tough.

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  • From JAG18 on Sauron the Dark Lord

    First, I’m glad to hear that someone got what I was going for with SEARING TOUCH. On the subject of that card, something I’ve been mulling over is changing it to a special card. I mean, it’s basically a direct damage card anyway, so if include your changes then it would be something like:

    1x SEARING TOUCH (Special Card)
    Place this card face up on the table as one action. On any subsequent turn you may use an action to play this card. Destroy an opponent’s character adjacent to Sauron with 10 hit points or fewer remaining.

    Lots of directions we could go with this deck, but I think I like your final suggestion the most: modified red deck, 3 LOTR, and the new SEARING TOUCH.

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    • From roman on Sauron the Dark Lord

      10 points of direct damage is too much. Even 5 is too much without some mitigating factor, but there are 2 here: 1. It (now) takes 2 turns to play and 2. You’re restricted to characters with 5 or fewer HP. So it’s “A10, use one action to play face up, any turn after this one, you may play this attack against an adjacent character with 5 or fewer HP, they may not defend.”

      I made in an A10 because I feel he lacks a big attack, but this isn’t really an A10, it’s a 5-direct-damage card that says it’s an A10 just for flavor.

      But, by adding the “1 turn” delay, I’ve actually just made SEARING TOUCH weaker and worse, not really my intent. The modified Red deck will help but I kind of feel like there’s no big attack of Sauron’s to fear like there is with Elrond and Isildur. We have some options but I’m not finding any really appealing as of yet.

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      • From JAG18 on Sauron the Dark Lord

        Yeah, I was wondering where you were going with that tweak to SEARING TOUCH. Although, honestly I don’t see much point in making SEARING TOUCH an A10; I’d rather have an actually A10 than a card that says 10 on it, but is actually a weaker version of a card that used to be in the deck.

        If we want to give Sauron a big attack to fear, then maybe we should go the route of replace a copy of LOTR with another attack card; maybe something like:

        1x HOPE FADES
        A13: Sauron cannot defend until your next turn.

        Now, I’m imagining this duel where Sauron uses this card to knock off Elendil and then plays SEARING TOUCH face up in order to kill Isildur next turn, but on his turn Isildur pulls out the BROKEN BLADE and finishes Sauron off first.

        With the new card we could either go back to the blue deck and an A5 SEARING TOUCH (but keeping the new effect) or maybe keep those changes too, I’m not sure.

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        • From roman on Sauron the Dark Lord

          I guess that’s where I’m at: He needs another big attack, just for the threat of it as well as the theme of it, and his deck would probably play a bit better with one more offense card and one less movement. The current setup of 6 defense + movement cards is a lot. I guess I’ve been afraid to make him too strong but it’s Sauron, there is no “too strong,” especially with 20 HP and weak minors. I’ve seen the “big attack but can’t defend next turn” mechanic before and I like it a lot. I gave him an A12 and I think he’s done.

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  • From roman on Sauron the Dark Lord

    So I ran another game, this time was Elrond and Isildur vs. Sauron and the Balrog. It was a heavyweight match it played out really well, with the dark side triumphing on the last turn by drawing his final DARK MACE, and it was just enough to power past Elrond’s D2 and eliminate his final 6 HP. Elrond would have won on the next turn with WATER HORSES which would have eliminated Sauron’s 3 HP.

    – Sauron had a pretty lousy draw but he still had enough to ultimately kill Isildur and Elrond. I was thinking he wasn’t tough enough during earlier parts of the game but he shone in the end. DARK MACE is so tough and MALICE AND HATE works well enough. Sauron was down to 7 HP when Elrond and Isildur had 13 and 14, respectively, but the power of the ring would not be undone.

    – Isildur had a pretty good game, getting his A8 and some A5s. Elendil got off his A6, then got killed, then Isildur used LAST HOPE to get it back and used it as an A12 on the Balrog, which took away Balrog’s last 8 HP. He didn’t get much defense and Sauron killed him.

    – The Balrog probably looked like the weakest of the 4 but these are the toughest of the tough and he didn’t look out of place. He dished out a good amount of damage but drew FLAME SWORD early before he really wanted it, so it took up space in his hand. Again, the lack of minors is a big deficiency in LOTRED, so I upped FIRE WHIP to A7 and I think he’s good to go.

    – Elrond is really good and steady. He was able to do some damage this game with HADAFANG and one WATER HORSES and he used MITHRIL to completely stop a DARK MACE. However, his IMMORTAL BLADE was completely countered by Sauron’s POWER OF THE RING.

    I might want to tinker with Treebeard but otherwise I think this set is really good, really fun, and about done.

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    • From JAG18 on Sauron the Dark Lord

      Great stuff! I tried out that duel a couple of times today and the teams went 1-1 (although the good side had terrible luck in their defeat). After those duels, I’d say I’m at where you are: the Balrog is probably the weakest of the bunch and the set is both top notch and almost done.

      One tweak on Elrond I want to suggest is removing the extra damage against Fire Pillars because they have 2 HP to begin with and so 3 dd vs 4 dd doesn’t matter at all. I guess you could argue that removing two words won’t reduce the card text that much and that there’s a one-in-million change that a deck might come along that increases a characters total health, but still I think it’s a change worth considering.

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      • From roman on Sauron the Dark Lord

        Actually the deck I’m not sure about is Sauron the Dark Lord. I think Elrond might be a tad tougher, and I’ll water down Water Horses just a little as well as change that wording, and possibly reduce his HP to 15.

        Sauron has A) only 5 attacks in addition to his Blue deck and B) weak minors, so he’s not THAT strong. Also, Elrond has his A11 and Isildur his A12 and it seems like Sauron is lacking something there. At the same time, he has SEARING TOUCH so all he has to do is get you to 5 HP.

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        • From JAG18 on Sauron the Dark Lord

          Yeah, Sauron’s offense has always been a bit wanting even in my original deck on the wiki. If it’s a problem of quality then maybe increasing MALICE AND HATE to A6, might do the trick; since it has a 3 card draw limit I’m not worried about the effect becoming unbalanced. On the other hand, if it’s a problem of quality (as in you want him to have a big attack), then we either need to drop SEARING TOUCH or something else. What to replace it with, I have a few ideas like maybe:

          1x CRUEL SWING
          A10: After attacking, you may move the defender any number of spaces in a straight line.

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          • From roman on Sauron the Dark Lord

            I like SEARING TOUCH because it’s like the end of the movie. Maybe must change it to an I’VE BEEN LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS A LONG TIME type of card that takes 2 turns to play, but is an A10 that bypasses power defense? That’s a finisher. You’d need to pair it with a LOTR to make sure you’d be in attack position the second turn, but you have 3 LOTRs so it should work out.

            I also kind of think he should just have more attack cards he can use, instead he kind of has to sit around while his Orcs aren’t really good for much. Elite Orcs would go a long way towards making him better, and giving him more offensive options, but I feel like making Sauron the star. So we could just keep Searing Touch as is, add your A10, and I guess drop a LOTR?

            Another idea I have is give him a modified Red deck swapping the A3D2 for a second A1D4, so he has those 4x A5s to work with, plus the 5 power attacks he has now, plus the 2-turn A10 that bypasses defense, all 3 LOTR. This might be the most interesting.

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  • From JAG18 on Limited quantities of Cage Match! are still available at a great price! Get it now!

    I wish I had a good excuse as to why it’s taken so for me long to write this, but I’ve just been lazy. 😛 Anyway, after about a month-and-half of playing, here are my thoughts on the game.

    What I like:

    -Simply put, it’s fun! It’s a well done, fast, light strategy game, which can have some truly epic moments (especially in the ground fights). For being a little strategy game it’s very enjoyable and I’m usually up for playing several fights in a row.

    -Great component quality. Everything looks and feels great from the art, to the stands, to the action pads everything is top notch, which is especially amazing considering the price point. I honestly, only have one real negative about the components that I’ll get into below.

    -It’s easy to introduce to others. I can go through the rules in about 5 or so minutes and after just a couple of plays most people “get it”. Unless the person is turned off by the theme I can easily see this becoming a great introductory game to the wider gaming community (like Epic Duels was for me).

    What I Don’t Like:

    -The score pad. Eh, I guess it works and is fine, but I’d like something both more visually interesting and reusable. Like maybe instead you have an actual board, that has an aerial view of a cage with the health still on the bottom and top, but the game comes with more blood cubes so you can track the health with those instead of using the pencil (honestly, I sometimes use LEGO pieces for this). Again, not a deal breaker, but could’ve been better IMO.

    -The fighters are kind of “eh”. Maybe, it’s because I’m not the biggest MMA fan, but I haven’t found myself inputting any character or history into any of the fighters. Usually the fighters are just a different bonus or maybe they have a special move that I really like (Suzuki’s Whirlwind Kick is a favorite of mine), but it feels less like I’m picking a character and more like I’m just picking a bonus or move set. In one session, me and the person I was playing against had a lot more fun imaging that we were the fighters. And not really a pro or con, but on a related note, I’ve found it more fun to mix-and-match the fighters regardless of gender, which occasionally runs into the problem of two people wanting to play the fighters on the back and front of the same card, although I guess the easy fix to that is just to buy another copy of the game, so maybe this isn’t a problem. 😛

    -I could also add that I ran into some rulesy questions early on, but your FAQ cleared those up nicely.

    All in all, great job Roman! This is a really good game and one that’s really growing on me. I can see this hitting my table more often then a lot of big title games.

    And if you know me, you know I was going to bring this up. Fan made content! I remember seeing you and Obi-Wan John talking on the wiki and you mentioned something about how Mortal Kombat characters would be a good fit for this game. So sitting here thinking about it, I’d have a lot more fun shouting before a match either “I’M PLAYING SCORPION! GET OVER HERE!” Than, “I’m playing Bruan Ferreira!” Of course, I need some more experience with the game and all the different fighters before I’d take on a project like that, but it is on my radar.

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    • From roman on Limited quantities of Cage Match! are still available at a great price! Get it now!

      Awesome, thanks so much for checking it out! It sounds like you’re having fun, which is great to hear.

      – Most important, PLEASE leave a short, positive review at Amazon and BGG (thanks for already showing up there).

      – Your feedback on the fighters is so far unique. Most people like them, and many (though not all) are based on actual MMA fighters that are fairly easy to identify. Mainly, each brings some new moves and theme to the table, whether it’s a Flying Knee or an Arm Bar. I considered adding a history for each character but I’d rather let players develop their own narratives.

      – Your feedback on the score pad is not so unique. It works, but we might have to figure something out for the next print run.

      – I’ve played or witnessed hundreds of games but have never once seen the genders mix, but there’s no reason you can’t do it. However, as the sport itself always keeps the genders separate, I went ahead and double-sided the character sheets. So yeah, just buy another copy 😉

      – I pushed hard for nice components, and am glad you appreciate that.

      So your last comments invite this question, and please be honest, which you don’t seem to have any issues with providing: What do you think of this game engine, the “mat and screen,” rock-paper-scissors combat system? For any 1v1 game like a Mortal Kombat, which we’re both fans of, this is the system I’d prefer to even Epic Duels because to me, ED and Unmatched shine in 2v2 play. I think the Cage Match system could work with Star Wars characters (and even have some made), Marvel characters — you name it.

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      • From JAG18 on Limited quantities of Cage Match! are still available at a great price! Get it now!

        -Yeah, I get what you’re saying about the fighters, but I think my feedback on this and my mixing of genders speaks to where I’m coming from in relation to the theme. I mean I used to practice martial arts when I was younger and I really like martial arts fighting in movies and TV, but I wouldn’t really consider myself a fan of MMA as a sport (or any sport for that matter, but that’s a story for another day). For me, the theme is like, “Ah, cool fighting!” But, it’s my love of light strategy game that really draws me to the game.

        -On the game engine itself, I do really like it, but with the caveat that I think you need something else going on to make it really “pop”. In the case of Cage Match that’s the focus tokens and the ground fighting. I think Star Wars characters would be really cool in this system if it was a lightsaber fighting game (not that Mace, Maul, and Grievous wouldn’t be intimidating hand-to-hand fighters), but it wouldn’t make sense to have the ground game in something like that.
        If I remember correctly, the final Cage Match was a “simplified” version of the original game you designed right? Maybe, if you took that game and put the Star Wars theme over it, it would work, but for this current system you need something else (IMO) going on to really make it work.

        And I’ll see about getting reviews up on Amazon and BGG. 😉

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  • From Zatanna – Epic Dueling Comics on Bultar Swan

    […] charm, stage magician pomp and extremely powerful magic helps out too. Geektopia’s innovative Bultar Swan deck makes up the core of this deck, which is stylized in Zatanna’s signature Backwards Magic […]

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  • From Hawkgirl – Epic Dueling Comics on Shaak-Ti

    […] into the game was always going to be fun, and I based most of her deck off of Geektopia’s Shaak-Ti deck, which has always been one of my favorite […]

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