Demise of Species

Shipwrecked crews battle to survive. Explore the Lost Archipelago, uncover the truth, and adapt (or die) in this upcoming tabletop skirmish game.

The Lost Archipelago rests upon the waters from countless worlds, a nexus where a Dark Maelstrom surges, pulling forth crews from diverse realms and species.

Shrouded in perpetual mist, its jagged and treacherous islands stand as silent guardians. It is a realm of mystery and isolation, where secrets of an ancient civilization and dark elder forces intertwine, beckoning explorers into a domain where boundaries of reason and sanity begin to wane.

Your seafaring warband, known as a crew, was swallowed by a maleficent vortex and battered by storms of black lightning, shipwrecked.

Stranded on forgotten shores, strewn across the rocky beach of an overgrown jungle island, surrounded by a boundless, ink-black sea that stretches as far as the eye can behold…

Coming soon to

Written by Mike Galosi (400 Billion Suns)

Additional Writing by Matt Cross (@DystopiaMatt)

Art by Mike Galosi and other public domain sources

Published by

Set in the world of 400 Billion Suns and

You can read more about our love of the Forbidden Psalm rules system in the Geektopia Games blog post: Forbidden Psalm – Mörk Borg Skirmish Gaming

This project was inspired by a number of
works, including those that follow:

The Isle of Dr. Moreau by HG Wells
Shadow Over Innsmouth by HP Lovecraft
Dagon by HP Lovecraft
Lord of the Flies by William Golding
Master and Commander by Patrick O’Brian
The Lost World by Arthur Conan Doyle
Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Dafoe
The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell
On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin

Demise of Species includes:

    • A detailed island setting called The Lost Archipelago
    • All rules needed to play the game. This is a standalone product.
    • 4 ways to play: competitive, cooperative, solo, or as a tabletop RPG
    • Rules-light mechanics that let you jump into the action
    • Guidance on converting player characters from Mork Borg, Pirate Borg, The Last War, and other Forbidden Psalm settings
    • Easy steps to create your crew of 5 castaways and a crew sheet to record their details
    • 2 Alternative game modes, Survival Mode and Ultimate Hardcore
    • 8 different species your character adapts into at the start of the game
    • 9 special Master and Commander roles to recruit from
    • 20 Flaws and 20 Feats for your castaways to deal with
    • 20 items of equipment, 36 weapons, and 13 types of armor
    • 12 items for purchase from the Poisoner, Herbalist, or Ritualist
    • 20 curios that can be found during the campaign
    • 6 pets
    • The spot
    • 20 ritual codices and 20 calamities for when you fumble the roll
    • Countless treasure to be gained
    • 20 injuries to sustain
    • 20 ways your character may warp and adapt
    • 10 environmental conditions to endure and rules for combat in deep water
    • 16 enemy hostiles
    • A campaign in 3 acts
    • Random encounter tables for each act
    • A detailed map of the Lost Archipelago
    • A city called Wreckhaven to explore
    • 16 skirmish scenarios
    • 16 Shipwrecked souls for your crew to hire
    • 12 ways to upgrade your ship
    • Secret journal entries to be uncovered during the campaign


Shipwrecked on the shore of an unknown island your situation seems abysmal. Air rushes into your lungs as you gasp for breath and struggle to clear your vision. Checking your person, you have withstood serious injuries. Scrapes and scratches. And something else.

The Maelstrom corrupts. Flesh turns to fur. Gils form. Limbs contort. Nails grow to claws. Organs shift. Ligaments tear and reform. Pain courses throughout your evolving form. As the beast emerges, a thousand things which had seemed unnatural and repulsive speedily became natural and ordinary.

Tempestuous skies persist above. A savage jungle sprawls before you. Battered by rain, your desperation and hunger takes hold in your crew, the animal is surging up in them. You are no longer man, nor are you beast, but an unstable combination of both. Search for a reason and a way home.

Hope or you cannot live.
Adapt or die.