Epic Duels

If you’re looking for materials for  Star Wars Epic Duels , you’ve come to the right place. Geektopia Epic Duels is a companion site to the Epic Duels Wiki .

Star Wars Epic Duels  (offsite link) was created by Rob Daviau and Craig Van Ness and Hasbro in 2002.

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Star Wars Epic Duels

More Epic Duels

Unmatched by Restoration Games, the restoration of Epic Duels

About Geektopia Epic Duels

Formerly geektopia.info, this site is a companion to the Star Wars Epic Duels Wiki . We’ve been creating original Epic Duels content since 2003. We have over 50 Star Wars decks that are fun to play, easy to understand, representative of their characters and relatively balanced. We also have tweaked versions of originals and other fan-made decks, plus our own house rules and other information about the game. We’ve also created a Lord of the Rings version of the game plus several original games of our own. All games we play are 2v2 or more, and we’ve played as many as 20v20 (pictured). We also host a few expansions such as Game of Thrones and Avatar the Last Airbender.

Custom Decks
C-3PO Golden God
Cassian & K-2SO
– revised but still Rogue One themed (not Andor)
Custom Decks – From others
Cad Bane by Palamon
Mara Jade the Emperor’s Hand by Scott Hagarty
R2-D2 & C-3P0 by Mike Maloney
Mon Mothma and Crix Madine by umondy
Expanded Universe Decks by Epic Duels Online Community
Finn and Kylo


  1. bbfiddler says:

    Hi Roman, been a while since I’ve been back here… Haven’t had many people to play the game with but I’m trying to get some new people into it. Thanks for updating the Shaak-Ti deck, I’ll have to give it a try! (also keeping this site up… it’s great)
    I’ve got a question about the deck designer program. Whenever I print decks off from PDFs, I have problems aligning it just right. It’s good but not perfect. Some decks I’ve seen have added spaces between the cards on the front side which kind of hides any alignment problems, partly because the back images are larger than the front side. “Is it possible to learn this power?” Or do you have any tips for printing? I think the problem is the image part of the PDF doesn’t sit in the exact middle (slightly too far left, like 1/16 in, ends up being 1/8 between both sides).

  2. bbfiddler says:

    So I don’t have my own printer to use, I did have a cheap one but color printing was out of the question because of ink cartridge costs. I’ve been using fed ex print which is a little pricy ($.65/color page) but the quality is really nice. I’ve tried increasing the border a bit (I think to the 3 pixel setting) so we’ll see if that works, but I also noticed when printing from Adobe on another printer if I choose the print option “fit” it seemed like the page was oversized so I might try messing around with those options. Haven’t really had a chance to try again.

    • roman says:

      On any standard inkjet, the color ink cartridges cost a pretty penny, but that’s still a lot cheaper than printing out at FedEx!

      I try to use the printers at work as often as I can but I do sometimes resort to the ol’ home printer.

  3. bbfiddler says:

    Ehh from my experience the printer cartridges were significantly more expensive. I am just trying to use my work printer and I think that will work out nicely!

    • roman says:

      Hi Zubb, thanks for your interest.

      Please be specific about which figures you’re looking for, because there are different answers. Start by looking at the individual pages, such as the Kylo Ren page, and you’ll see what figures I’m using. If the answer isn’t there, that’s the best place to ask.

      Anyhoo, for Beckett and Enfys Nest, I don’t have any ideas right now. You might see what kind of merchandise Disney is making available. You probably won’t get Epic Duels scale figures but as long as they fit on the board, they’ll work. You can let me know if you find anything!

      For Kylo Ren, I would see if you can find a Star Wars Monopoly that came out after The Force Awakens. I bought it new for $20 or $25 so used, it should be even less. You’ll get figures for Kylo Ren and Finn. Rey and Poe can be covered by Leia Bounty Hunter and a Rebel Pilot, respectively.

      Anyone pre-Disney probably has one or more Star Wars minis that will work for it. Even minis are getting harder and harder to find…

    • roman says:

      Hi tmag, thanks for your interest.

      Not likely we’ll come up with a Dryden Vos deck. I’m not even seeing that much interest in Enfys Nest and Tobias Beckett.

      If you’re interested in Dryden Vos, why not come up with your own? He definitely duels and could be made into a deck. Go to the Wiki and post some ideas and I’ll help you.

  4. Nuge says:

    Have you guys thought of uploading this to TableTop Simulator? It would be awesome with your collection. The base game is already on there and you could build off that.

    • roman says:

      Hi Nuge, thanks for the suggestion. Epic Duels has a long history on Vassal, where our stuff has always been available, but I didn’t realize someone had set this up on TTS, which is obviously way better. I do have TTS so I’ll look into it, not sure when though.

    • roman says:

      Btw I’ve checked in on TTS to see that Epic Duels is indeed set up, and they have the EU and 10YA decks included already, the latter of which includes 4 of our decks. What’s also true is that hardly anyone plays SWED on TTS, so I don’t think it’s worth the time to painstakingly add our entire collection to it.

  5. Tyler says:

    I see under your Finn and Poe deck that you guys use a monopoly figure for Finn. Do you know of any miniatures that’d work for Finn? I usually buy figures off of ebay so I don’t know what all is out there for miniatures.


  6. Daniel says:

    Hi Roman, love the website. I am just getting back into Epic Duels. I probably haven’t played for 10 years. What would you consider to be the most “official” decks to play if someone is just starting out? Would it be the 10YA Tournament set (including both custom and originals)?

    Asking because of minor differences here and there. For example, in the 10YA set, Han solo deck is tweaked, but on this site it felt it wasn’t necessary. Or the minor differences between your Jango deck and the 10Ya set. I know at the end of the day it doesn’t really matter – I can always print and try them all out, but just wanted to know your opinion.


    • roman says:

      Hi Daniel, welcome back. I would play the 10YA Custom Set with the base set, and tweak the base set if you want to. Beyond that, it’s more a matter of taste than anything, but I’d start with the EU Expansion, or just explore the characters you’re interested in.

      I don’t really know if anyone plays with the 10YA Tournament Set, but you’re welcome to use it if you want to play a set where all of the decks are roughly equal in strength, or if you just want some optional tweak cards for the base decks.

  7. Nick says:

    Hi, I’m just curious how you guys manage to print the character sheets as well as the cards. Is there like a good online service that most people use? Thanks.

    • roman says:

      Hi Nick. I use my home color printer and 110 lb. card stock, though card stock of 80 lbs. or heavier should be sufficient. I print the cards on one side, flip the sheets over, and print the backs on the other side. The quality has been plenty good but suffers as the ink starts to run dry, and the ink can be expensive, but it’s still the cheapest option.

      You can use a FedEx office or local print shop for higher quality prints but that gets really pricey. I looked into a card-making manufacturer once but also found it to be cost-prohibitive.

  8. Michaël Schouleur says:


    Je découvre votre site ce jour.
    Mon fils adore ce jeu.
    Je voudrais lui offrir des extensions.
    Est-il possible d’en acheter?
    Mes compétences en informatique sont très minces……..

    Merci pour votre aide.

    • roman says:

      Hi and thanks for your interest. You can print out anything you like here onto card stock paper, and cut it out yourself. All you need is a color printer and a pair of scissors.

  9. Carter says:


    I’ve been a big fan of LOTR epic duels, printed it all off and enjoyed all the decks. I’ve been trying to make my own, just wondering if you have the base photoshop files for the original 18 decks. They look so beautiful and I would like to continue the art style in my decks that I’m making!

    If you happen to have those it would be so amazing, I’d definitely publish my characters too. Also if you have the star wars epic duel base photoshop files that would be killer!

    Thanks for everything already! I love this community


  10. Andrew says:

    Hey, all.

    Just started playing this with my son after having played with my friends years and years ago. I ended up printing them the cards out on basic card stock and sleeving in MTG sized sleeves. I printed the maps out on 11×17 paper and laminating. Then, we use Lego SW figures for the for the characters. It is a blast! Thanks to everyone who put in the effort for the custom decks and maps!

    • roman says:

      Thanks Andrew! We’d love to see pictures of your games with Lego Star Wars figures! That’s how we started out when we printed out first fan decks, before Star Wars Miniatures (and now 3D prints) came along. I still think Legos are a great way to go, they have so many SW characters now and it’s easy to create new characters from the many parts.

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