Admiral Ackbar – Geektopia Games

Admiral Ackbar

Minor(s): Wedge Antilles

This is a restoration of an old deck but by now we’ve made it our own.

What does this deck do:  Teams up for big attacks with lots of movement.  Stays alive with IT’S A TRAP!

Updated August 2021

Admiral Ackbar
by Roman F and Geektopia, based on a deck by Scott Hagarty (unverified)
back art by MD Villarreal

Admiral Ackbar
14 HP
Yellow Deck

Wedge Antilles
10 HP
Strong Ranged Minor Deck

Ackbar – 8 special cards

A4.  After attacking, move Ackbar up to 4 spaces, and then move Wedge up to 4 spaces.

A6*. *Add 2 to the attack value if Wedge can also attack the same character.

D8.  Ackbar may play this card as defense for Ackbar or for Wedge. If played for Wedge, Wedge receives any damage and effects.

Ackbar and Wedge each recover up to 2 points of damage. Move Ackbar up to 5 spaces and then move Wedge up to 5 spaces.

Choose an opponent. That opponent must reveal their hand and discard all basic combat cards.

Wedge – 4 special cards

A4*. *Add 2 to the attack value if the target is a major character.

A7.  Move Wedge up to 7 spaces. Every opposing character he moves over is attacked with this card and may defend.

Bonus Wedge .PDF card: replaces one PREPARE RETREAT

Draw 5 cards. Then remove Wedge from the game. Playing this card does not count as an action.


I’m making a few adjustments in August 2021 to power them down a tad.

  • Wedge still has a potential 2x A6 and a multi-target A7.  That’s hard hitting, and probably better than even the tweaked Zam Wessel that we use, and with fewer cards.
  • Ackbar and tweaked Jango both 3x A4 and great movement, but Ackbar & Wedge have more, and cards that move both, which is huge.
  • Ackbar’s other cards are better.  Ackbar has 2x A6/A8, 1x MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU, plus 1x IT WAS A TRAP.  That’s versus 1x A9, 1x A7, and 2x WRIST CABLE.  Even if Ackbar only gets A6s, the heavy forced discarding and strong power defense card make him pretty even with Jango, and I think he’s clearly better with the A8s he gets with Wedge.
  • So I think even after powering down, and with 1 fewer hit point, Ackbar is still better than tweaked Jango, as he should be.  Ackbar is admittedly pretty weak without Wedge, but a well timed MAY THE FORCE BE WITH US can strip enough defense for Ackbar’s A6s to get through and do some damage.  What’s Jango going to do without Zam anyways, beat you with an A7 and 6 direct damage?  He needs to get something out of her, and Ackbar needs to get something out of Wedge, at least some assistance with his own attacks and hopefully at least one of his 3 big power attack cards.
  • Ok he’ll struggle without Wedge, so what?  Wedge is a very good minor.  ATTACK RUN can be devastating.





  1. umondy says:

    That is so cool, finally a “new” Ackbar deck and even one using Wedge. Can’t wait to play test it!
    Love the concept and all the cards, looks really fun and will be a great alternative to my standard Ackbar deck (with Rebel Troops).

    • roman says:

      Thanks! I’m excited about it too. I think it’s a good deck, not a great deck. Good, because it has 2 very recognizable characters and some great quotes. Not great because Ackbar doesn’t really do anything interesting. I’m thinking of making IT’S A TRAP a defense card he can use to defend any character, at least that would be unique. SORRY probably needs to not count as an action, because using an action to sacrifice one of your characters is generally a terrible move. If anything, we’ll reduce the card draw.

      • umondy says:

        I like your idea for IT’S A TRAP and agree on SORRY beeing a little weak/useless the way it is right now. Why kill of Wedge for a card draw espewhen he has the strongest attacks and fuels Ackbars attacks to beeing useful. Maybe this last card needs to be something completely else?

        • roman says:

          SORRY is an admittedly weak card and poor fit in a deck where Wedge has such a key role, but “Sorry!” is an iconic line among my playing group so I feel like I have to include it. Maybe I’ll even do 2 versions of the deck, one with an actual useful card.

          Btw, I’m not seeing any problems with the .PDF so I’m not sure what you mean.

  2. umon says:

    even if you want to keep the name of the card, you could still change the card. Was thinking about what would make sense. Of course drawing is somehow missing from the deck, escpecially if SORRY is changed but I thought about a combo with MAY THE FORCE BE WITH US. Maybe changing SORRY into a big attack that does not count as an action when played after MTFBWU or something similar. So he could make use of the opponent having to drop all basics before his attack. Just an idea…

    • roman says:

      I like the idea of Wedge’s 3rd card being something that combines off of MTFBWU, could be something like “A8, any defense value is doubled” (a Tarkin card) since MTFBWU will generally strip an opponent of all defense. I’ll think about it.

    • umondy says:

      Sorry for not responding earlier. Somehow forgot about it. Unfortunately I can’t remember what the dekc looked like before. What are the changes?

      In general I like the effect you gave COPY GOLD LEADER but it does not counter MTFBWU in any way. If you play those two cards as a combo the defender has no basic defense anyway. So what good is doubling any defense? The only effect it will have is thar you will only play this card in that combo or if you know the defender has no defense at all.

      SORRY is still a useless card I just would never play unless Wedge maybe has 1 health left but this coincidence would not happen too often. You just loose too much by giving up on Wedge.

      • roman says:

        I don’t really remember the changes. MTFBWU combos with COPY GOLD LEADER but it’s only once in a great while that you’d pull that off, with only 2 in the deck and requiring both characters to be alive.

        • umondy says:

          True true. Like I said before I really like the deck and will try it out. 🙂
          Only one more thing, Don’t you think 2x PREPARE RETREAT instead of SORRY would be more useful?

          • roman says:

            I think I dropped a 2nd PREPARE RETREAT in the last version. I agree with your suggestion, and want to make SORRY an optional 32nd card, almost like a promo card, that you can replace one of the other cards in the deck with. My friends and I would have a ton of fun with SORRY but it’s not very practical.

  3. Ashanark says:

    My nephews and I love this deck, but some questions about Attack Run came up last session:

    1) This page says Wedge moves 7 spaces, but the .pdf says specifies he moves in a *straight line.* Which one is intended? The former is stronger, but the latter’s more interesting.

    2) Wedge must stop his attack run on an empty space, right? So even though he moves 7, he can only hit 6 characters max, right? (42 damage still gives my man Wedge the best potential 1-turn output in the game, though. I love that.)

    3) If Wedge COULD move a 6th space and attack an enemy, but there’d be no empty 7th space to move to after (due to obstacles, reaching a corner or edge, or it already being occupied), must Wedge end his run early at the 5th space and leave the enemy on space 6 unattacked? (This is a much bigger issue for the “straight line” variation of Attack Run.) Can Wedge stop at space 5 but hit the guy at space 6 like a normal attack, without passing over him?

    Just curious to see if there was any original intent from this we should know about, or gut reactions on how to handle the question. My group settled on “Wedge ends the run early at space 5 and the guy in spot 6 goes unattacked” and it decided the game, so we are all curious 😛

    • roman says:

      Thanks for the questions. Whatever the card says is what matters, not what’s on this page. I try to keep them all aligned but there are like 80 of them.

      1) Go with the card.

      2) Yes, Wedge has to stop on an empty space that he could occupy.

      3) You all got it correct in how it works with obstacles. No, Wedge cannot stop short and still hit someone. It’s the same for the Eomer deck if you’re a LOTR fan, and that’s key to how you play against him and therefore Wedge too.

      So maps are key with Wedge. If he can go in a straight line like the Emperor’s Throne room, he can do a lot of damage. But it’s not like Wedge is supposed to be a regular 42-damage dealer! If he can attack even 2 characters, that’s pretty good, and 3 is great. We saw him mow over 4 Dark Troopers one time, but Wedge’s team still lost so…

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