I’ve sent emails, I’ve Tweeted, I’ve posted, and I’ve run ads, and thanks so much to everyone who has participated in this campaign. The early support is essential to getting support throughout the campaign, which we’re seeing, so thanks again.
But, in case you missed all that and just read the blog: Fearsome Wilderness the Roleplaying Game is live on Kickstarter! Based on the successful board game of the same title, Fearsome Wilderness the RPG brings wilderness survival, science fiction, horror and suspense all together in the hex base Year Zero engine. Along with hardcover or softcover book, you can get some outstanding custom dice. You can also use the outstanding 3D printed miniatures from the board game.
We’ve already made our goal, now we just want to more people playing the game and sharing it. For just $9, you can get a PDF of the epic adventure that will last weeks, months or years. There’s even a solo version for Forbidden Psalm.
It’s worth it just to read the stories in our 250+ page manual. You won’t find a better way to spend $9 and you’ve got just over a week. Get it now!