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  • From umondy on Plo Koon

    Love the new deck back!

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    • From roman on Plo Koon

      Thanks! We like this deck a lot. He’s a tad strong IMO, but it’s more fun to play with decks that are on the strong side, hence our overall power creep…

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      • From Dirk on Plo Koon

        True and funny I never realized that fact. Have it printed out ike forever…now definately have to play it at our next session.

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        • From roman on Plo Koon

          As Rich Pizor put it one time: The heart of Epic Duels is the attack-and-defend process. I think his quote matches our experience, as that’s what we generally enjoy the most.

          To have that, you have to have defense cards. I notice that MOST deck designs, both in and out of Geektopia, include power defense, even though only 5 of the original 12 decks include power defense. Well, defense cards are actually quite powerful, so just including 2 of them makes a deck pretty sturdy. Take Plo for example, with a mix of offense, defense and movement. Or Shaak Ti. Both are tough decks, in no small part because both have power defense but also strong minors. In the original game, nobody has power defense AND strong minors.

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  • From Alex on Jedi Hunter Grievous


    First off I just rebought this game to re live my child hood and found this site, this is awesome. Socondly, I donwloaded several of the PDFs and they wont print at the print shop I am taking them to. They error. Any idea what we are doing wrong?

    What is a vassel deck?

    Thanks again,

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    • From roman on Jedi Hunter Grievous

      Hi Alex, thanks for your interest. There’s still more Epic Duels at the wiki:

      I’m not sure what problems the print store is having. Are they using an old version of Adobe Reader or something? I don’t have trouble accessing the .PDFs from my old home computer. You can save yourself a lot of money by buying 110 lb. cardstock from the office store and printing yourself, but it’s up to you.

      Vassal is an online platform that allows you to play board games online. I think there may be more advanced technology now, people write about “Tabletop Simulator” and hardly anyone plays SW Epic Duels on Vassal anymore, but it’s still there if you want to use it.

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      • From Donnie S on Jedi Hunter Grievous

        What program do you use and how do you line up back and front. Also do you have a file with each individual card? Any thoughts on how best to do this. Money is not an object

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        • From roman on Jedi Hunter Grievous

          What program, for printing? Adobe Reader is all you need and pretty much every machine has one.

          I’ve never had much trouble lining up the backs. It’s not perfect but it’s almost always close enough.

          You can go to a local print store like a Fed Ex Office if money is no object. They will get great results but expensive.

          I just use my home printer, very good results, cheaper but still not cheap.

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  • From Freaky Mutant Man on General Veers

    I’ve played with this deck years ago, though I can’t remember much about how it played, so no comment there.

    Just one question: with GRIM TACTICS, is it always 4 damage for each Snowtrooper or is it dependent on how much damage the Snowtrooper deals in total (i.e. if a Snowtrooper damages 3 characters, does he then take 12 and die immediately)?

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    • From roman on General Veers

      Well, you’ve probably played it more than we have :).

      GRIM TACTICS would never do more than 4 damage to the Snowtrooper, as it is designed to combo with STRATEGIC GENIUS. Potentially very powerful, but all you have to do to avoid it is kill the Snowtroopers.

      If either of you (or anyone else reading this) plays the deck at all, we would love the feedback.

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  • From desert_fox654 on General Veers

    Can someone fix the broken link for General Veers or at least type the stats on this page? Please and thank you.

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    • From roman on General Veers

      Hi and thanks for your interest. I don’t know what happened there to that ol’ Veers deck, it hasn’t changed since 2010. It’s back up now, thanks for pointing that out. Try it out, let us know what you think!

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  • From Freaky Mutant Man on Epic Duels and card combinations

    FYI, download links seem to be missing from all of the deck pages (at least among the ones I’ve checked).

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    • From roman on Epic Duels and card combinations

      Thanks for the heads up. We’re under renovation, obviously. The links should be back up soon enough. We apologize for any inconvenience.

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      • From Freaky Mutant Man on Epic Duels and card combinations

        On the subject itself, perhaps one way to improve Chirrut’s viability without going for a more thorough overhaul would be to make AND THE FORCE IS WITH ME a viable way to win even without getting AND THE FORCE IS WITH ME. Like, maybe it’s an A7 naturally and becomes an A8 or A9 when powered up. Since it’s unlikely to see a game where Chirrut would actually pull off all three powered up, most games it’d be more like he has only one or two A8/A9s; strong, but given Chirrut’s squishiness in your version that might be fine.

        One other way might be to make it so both cards are powered up by the other, sorta like the COMPETITION mechanic in your Legolas & Gimli deck. So you could play THE FORCE IS WITH ME (now AND-less, to accommodate this change) and then get a powered up I AM ONE WITH THE FORCE. This would probably necessitate lopping off the minor-killing effect of your ONE WITH THE FORCE, though.

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        • From roman on Epic Duels and card combinations

          After seeing him recently, Chirrut actually looked good to me versus the other Rogue One decks with only A5/A7 on ATFIWM. The main thing is how really good IAOWTF is, with both flexibility and minor-swatting ability, but like it a lot. If he comes up with A6+A7, he can kill a couple of weak minors outright no matter what, or kill a 10 HP minor outright unless the minor has two or more defense cards. That’s actually pretty tough and it’s not that hard for him to pull off. Plus, Baze really plays as a deluxe offensive minor with 3 offense cards of his own plus an A5 in his basic deck. With Chirrut being a more defensive character, I think it will work at A5/A7 along with the three A6/D6 against minors. It’s not like an A5 is useless but he’s going to struggle if Baze goes down early.

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        • From roman on Epic Duels and card combinations

          First off, it’s really your design, it’s well-done and you deserve the credit.

          I guess if I’m taking my own advice: A combo needs to be strong enough to help you win the game, but the cards also have to be usable on their own.

          I think it’s as simple as boosting ATFIWM to A6/A8. He can use it as an A6, and if he gets the exact right combo (once per game, twice at most), it’s an A8. A8 is a good card but it’s hardly overpowered. I’d consider A9 but Chirrut is more of a defensive character, and I want to keep the deck weak overall for the Geektopia set (we don’t see those guys being much threat to trained Jedi). Chirrut needs Baze to chip in with offense and Baze’s MULTI-SHOT is a surprisingly good card to go along with the A8 POWER SHOT.

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  • From roman on 4-LOM

    (6 months later)

    Thanks for the feedback! Glad you have fun with it. We don’t play it a whole lot but I have to say, it’s well-designed. If you go after them in a 2v2 game, they’re not going to hold up, but if you ignore them, they can really surprise you with their offense. They have some nastiness to them, the way 4-LOM can stunt movement and Zuckuss can stunt defense. All this is good, because while a well-trained Jedi should be able to handle a couple of bounty hunters, bounty hunters should still be dangerous and threatening, especially to a Jedi who is less trained or underestimates them.

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  • From Freaky Mutant Man on Jyn Erso

    Here’s an idea for Jyn: the Smash Bros Solid Snake & Otacon deck has a card called CREATE A DIVERSION, which says:

    “A5. If this attack does damage, you may choose an opposing character other than the defending character. That character takes all damage the defending character would have taken from this attack.”

    I think this card (or something similar) could fit for Jyn (or Cassian, or Bodhi). What do you think?

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    • From roman on Jyn Erso

      That is interesting, thanks! I always like mining and recombining good ideas from other decks and other expansions. I’m not sure how much people will like that card and I question how much utility it really has as only a one-off… but I like it better than Jyn’s current A5, and it does kind of fit her. I’d probably rather try your idea out for now, while leaving the other A5 idea I had for another deck at another time.

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  • From Darth Wolverine on Jyn Erso

    I really like this deck, it’s quite a nice little saboteur support deck. If you think the defense is too strong (and it probably is), maybe make the D10 cards into D8s? That nullifies most blaster fire but Jedi’s will still do damage.

    Also, LOVE the deck image.

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    • From roman on Jyn Erso

      Thanks man! I’m a fan of your work too.

      Which image are you referring to, the card back (got it from pinterest) or maybe the deviant art on this page?

      D8 vs. D10 makes little difference. More like, drop one of the Ds altogether, but I haven’t seen this deck play yet so it stands for now. All set up for Vassal if anyone has time, even on his own.

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      • From Darth Wolverine on Jyn Erso

        The back of the deck. It’s awesome.

        Yeah, I want to make more decks (or tweak my Rey deck), but I lost my computer a while ago and the deck creators really don’t like phones. =/

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  • From Separatist18 on Jyn Erso

    One possible way to weaken her would be to FORCE her to discard her whole hand and draw 4 new ones with her D10s rather than the “may” clause. At least that would limit her in terms of when she can tactically play her D10s. From a power perspective I’m not sure whether that’s a good change or a bad one. From a realism standpoint that makes more sense IMO.

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  • From Separatist18 on Master Obi-Wan Kenobi

    Do what I must heals Anakin? LOL! This really doesn’t make sense. I get that gameplay should trump realism and I get that you want these characters to work together, but still, LOL! Maybe some other card name, LOL!

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    • From roman on Master Obi-Wan Kenobi

      Actually Cagey agrees with you that we should find a better card name, though nobody has any ideas and I don’t know that we’ll ever get around to it. I’d rather go with a poor-fitting quote than “Soresu Form” or something but I’m open to other ideas.

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    • From roman on Master Obi-Wan Kenobi

      Yes it’s about game play. The deck works well and the two characters work well together. The card name is a quote from the movie, that’s good enough for us.

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  • From Freaky Mutant Man on Greedo

    Looking at this right now, one tweak I’m tempted to make for myself is to bump up the power of I’VE BEEN LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS. For an attack you have to use an action to loudly announce at least one turn in advance, the fact that it’s only as strong as the other two big attacks in the deck just seems kinda… wrong? I feel like this ought to be Greedo’s big trick, the thing that lets him pull off a win if he can land it, something that inspires the enemy team to either shoot him down first or bunker down for a big hit. A10 is probably the best to go with if I want to try this change out, but making it an outright A12 is tempting; maybe not smart, but definitely tempting.

    Either way, I feel like something along those lines is what the deck needs to start actually winning games, because I’m pretty sure I’ve seen it win all of once despite me using it in a fair number of games against totally new players, and that win may well have been due more to Greedo’s teammate than anything he or the cantina duo actually did. Which is a shame, since the deck is fun to use, in no small part because it’s those three guys in the same deck, but it feels like they should be able to do better with the tools they have than they actually manage to (Ponda Baba’s ability to force through damage should be pretty scary, but it’s kind of a struggle to line everything up to get the most use out of it).

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    • From roman on Greedo

      Thanks for commenting on this, I really like this deck and think you’ve got a good idea there with IBLFTT. Let’s try it at A10 at the very least and see how he does. I don’t like 10* because the * doesn’t fit but I think it’s the right number nonetheless.

      You clearly have the idea that I’ve been going for: Ponda Baba’s ability nullifies defense, and the deck then has three A8s and two A6s, which seems pretty scary, scary to where my friends thought it was maybe too strong upon initial design. Yet, when you actually play the game with this deck, you’re going to see at most one of these combos go off, and playing it exposes Greedo and his guys to counter attacks, to where they get killed immediately after. Greedo just doesn’t have the defense to step out without getting killed. He needs a big attack or he has no chance.

      I’VE BEEN LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS has to be that big attack because he intentionally has to loudly announce his intentions the way Greedo does, giving Han (or another character) a chance to respond first but if not, he really will kill you. At most I’d go A11.

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  • From Freaky Mutant Man on Darth Plagueis

    So let’s say Plagueis is on a team with Han & Chewie; in a single turn, both Han & Chewie are killed by a thermal detonator. On Plagueis’s next turn, would he be able to play one or more DARK ARTS to bring back one or both of them, despite the fact that (by my understanding) Han’s player has technically already been eliminated from the game? A short review of the official rules doesn’t seem to provide anything to go off of in this scenario (obviously, given that character revival is not a mechanic in the base game), so this looks to ultimately just come down to personal judgement, but I’m curious to know what the author’s intent here might be.

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    • From roman on Darth Plagueis

      Interesting question. Obviously, DARK ARTS already breaks the rules of Epic Duels so the rule book probably isn’t going to cover this one.

      The Han & Chewie player could conceivably miss his entire turn but nonetheless, once it’s Plagues’ turn, he can bring them both back if he has 2 DARK ARTS to play. It’s a powerful card, I sometimes find the “within one turn” clause annoying but without it, the card’s power would go through the roof.

      Just curious, you ever play with this deck?

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      • From Freaky Mutant Man on Darth Plagueis

        Once or twice, though it’s been a while since so I can’t really remember the details. I think Plagueis did… okay? I don’t think Sidious got used very well and died before a single DARK ARTS was pulled, but ultimately I think the card did turn the tide for my teammate, allowing him to survive a last-minute onslaught and poke his way to victory against a drained opponent. I believe the teammate was using the LotR Nazguls deck (which seems to be a surprisingly popular pick when I’m playing with random players; the idea of playing a gaggle of Nazguls seems to be fairly appealing to people), while the opponent was using a Frieza (from Dragon Ball Z) deck designed by my brother (the deck in question is quite powerful on paper with a transformation mechanic that powers him way up, but I just kept seeing the same guy repeatedly lose with it for awhile there; this particular game was actually probably his best performance yet, but ultimately he ran out of steam and couldn’t finish off the final, near-death Nazgul).

        In retrospect, it was a fairly memorable game, with my team having to flee across the board, trying to scrounge up the cards to survive Frieza’s powered-up wrath; in this respect, Plagueis played a key role in winning the game, despite Sidious’s early death and ultimately getting killed himself.

        Overall, though, I don’t tend to play Plagueis much; most of my games tend to be with some amount of totally new players, and I generally try to pick characters on the weaker end of the spectrum to avoid being too dominant in those cases (though really, I not infrequently end up making boneheaded decisions that get me wiped out early anyway). Plus, as far as character appeal goes, Plagueis just kinda isn’t among my favorite characters; I keep the deck around because it’s an interesting design, and I do contemplate playing him now and again, but I’ll generally end up going with someone else for one reason or another.

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        • From roman on Darth Plagueis

          Thanks for this, I love this kind of info!

          I’m surprised people like the Nazgul. How does it perform? I’ve only seen it a few times myself and it’s an unconventional design.

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          • From Freaky Mutant Man on Darth Plagueis

            Yeah, I was a little surprised too; in fact, out of all the LotR decks, the Nazguls seem to get the most play, followed closely by Gandalf, then more distantly by Witch King and Legolas/Gimli (which I think is largely driven by me, they’re among my most common LotR picks). Aragorn and Frodo get shockingly little play (more than other LotR characters, but about only half as much as the aforementioned characters), and I think the Cave Troll sees a lot of people pick it only to realize, no, it isn’t the Balrog (I feel like I get “Where’s Sauron and the Balrog?” an awful lot, if not as much as “Where’s Revan?”). It seems like a number of people (myself included, if we’re being honest) gravitate towards the decks that seem weird, including the AT-ST, Officer/4 Stormtroopers, and a Scooby-Doo deck that I made. Never underestimate the appeal of an intriguing weirdo.

            Now, as much as I see people go for the Nazguls, for whatever reason I’m struggling to recall how they tend to do. I *think* they to do about average, maybe a little on the weaker side? For what it’s worth, I enjoy playing them myself, though I think that maybe the weakness to female characters on the defense card could be removed without harm to the deck; I don’t recall the Nazguls sharing the Witch King’s weakness, and it’s just kinda frustrating having your power defense be *totally* useless in that situation (I like how the Witch King’s power defense works much more; while weakened against the likes of Eowyn, Arwen, and Shelob, you can still get use out of your power defense if you manage to use it against a 5/1, which I think is important to making that weakness not feel too unfair).

            Next time I see Nazguls hit the board, I’ll try to make a note of how they perform.

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  • From Freaky Mutant Man on Jyn Erso

    Seeing as Luke, Rebel Commando is listed under the “Retired/Experimental” section, perhaps you could use the EXPLOSIVE CHARGE idea as inspiration for at least part of the deck’s theme? Rebels giving their lives to do major damage to the enemy would fit very well with what is seen in Rogue One.

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    • From roman on Jyn Erso

      So as it turns out, EXPLOSIVE CHARGE is an extremely weak, highly situational card. If you think about it, even blowing up a Rebel Commando to do 4 damage to two opponents isn’t really that great, because you’re killing the Commando and letting the other team off the hook from having to use cards and actions to kill him. Or, Jyn taking 4 damage to do 4 damage to two opponents, isn’t a great use of an action. You need either for the Rebel Commando to be damaged with no other cards or to be doing damage to 3 or more opponents. It can happen, but it’s rare, so you end up holding onto the card waiting for a perfect situation which rarely presents itself. Oh well, cool idea, I’ll leave it in the Luke deck, but Jyn needs to replace EXPLOSIVE CHARGE as well as THE NEXT CHANCE with some offense that she can use at any time.

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    • From roman on Jyn Erso

      That card sort of goes with LEVITATION, but maybe I can give Jyn some kind of rebel-moving ability, WE’RE WITH YOU! or something along those lines.

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  • From Peter on Kylo Ren

    Where did you buy the mini for ren?

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    • From roman on Kylo Ren

      Hi Peter, thanks for asking.

      Star Wars Monopoly. I paid $25 and got nice figs for Kylo and Finn, a little big but nobody has ever complained. You can probably get it for $10 used on eBay or Amazon or something.

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  • From Geek on Jedi Hunter Grievous

    I play cowardly defense can be used if the guards are out, just can’t switch places.

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  • From Darth Wolverine on Luke Skywalker, Jedi Acolyte

    Yeah I’ve been messing around with it. I don’t have anything fancy since my laptop recently crashed. But, the layout I’m currently working with is:

    Luke Skywalker
    16, Melee, Red Deck
    Leia Organa
    10, Ranged, Strong Ranged Minor Deck

    Luke’s Talents

    3x UNLEARN
    A4, otherwise same as your card
    (From your Rebel Commando Luke deck)

    Leia’s Talents


    This deck is extremely aggressive and has a ton of direct damage, plus some healing. In my experience it works as a more fragile version of the Obi-Wan/Anakin deck. I sometimes tinker with giving Luke a Blue Deck to increase his staying power, but with LFA and LIGHTSABER SLASH he works as a glass cannon of sorts. It’s much more fun than the original Luke deck at any rate.

    He doesn’t have a ton of drawing power, so I’ve found that stockpiling and relying on Leia helps early on.

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  • From Dave on Ki-Adi Mundi

    You’re PDF version of Ki-Adi-Mundi is not working?

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  • From Freaky Mutant Man on Finn

    So, since I can’t think of a better page to ask this on: the newer pages (such as for the Force Awakens decks) don’t seem to have comment sections. I’m just wondering if this is intentional; Finn & Poe have been getting a fair amount of play lately and I do have a couple thoughts on the deck I’d like to share.

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    • From roman on Finn

      Hi, I’m not sure why that is, but I think I’ve found a work around. Give it a try now, if that doesn’t work, go ahead and comment at the Wiki.

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      • From Freaky Mutant Man on Finn

        Hmm. I see the comments you made, but I’m not seeing any box to actually post a comment. I’ll go ahead and comment on the Wiki later.

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  • From Darth Wolverine on Luke Skywalker, Jedi Acolyte


    You know, it occurs to me that the RECKLESS card would pair very well with Leia’s LUKE’S IN TROUBLE.

    I’ve always hated Luke’s original deck, but maybe combining this deck with Leia’s cards could actually make those 2 fun to play. I may tinker around with that, if it’s cool with you guys.

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  • From Freaky Mutant Man on 4-LOM

    I’ve played this deck a fair amount, and it’s always been pretty fun. The recent update to make COLLECT BOUNTY work against all named characters is a welcome one, both for flavor and for the small boost in flexibility it gives the deck. Definitely a relatively weak deck, haven’t won much with it – but I enjoy it enough that I don’t mind too much.

    It’s also just occurred to me that deck would probably team fairly well with Boba – the opponents scatter to minimize THERMAL DETONATOR’s impact, allowing 4-LOM to throw some good damage at the stragglers. There’s probably better teammates for Boba, but 4-LOM would definitely appreciate Boba’s presence – or at least anyone who could force the enemies away from each other., like Obi-Wan with FORCE CONTROL.

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  • From Freaky Mutant Man on Qui-Gon Jinn

    Trying to access Qui-Gon’s PDF gives a 404 error for me. Anyone else having trouble?

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    • From Quizzor on Qui-Gon Jinn

      Yes I also get the same error. I would like to see the link to be fixed seems like a great deck to try.

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    • From Freaky Mutant Man on Qui-Gon Jinn

      Concerning the deck itself, I think it’s pretty good. One of those decks that I tend to see new players gravitate towards, and while some of the cards can be a little confusing for those playing Epic Duels for the first time (I recall QUI-GON’S GAMBLE in particular causing confusion for at least one player), once those confusions are resolved it works out pretty well.

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      • From roman on Qui-Gon Jinn

        Good to hear! We like it a lot too. Always fun, two great characters, some good combos. It’s strong but certainly beatable, about Maul’s level of power.

        I’ll look into the .PDF error.

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  • From Freaky Mutant Man on Greedo

    One thing I noticed: the page description says to deal 8 damage to Greedo if DESPERATE SHOT fails to destroy the target. However, the card in the PDF instead has you destroy Greedo, like the card from the original game. Which one is correct?

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    • From roman on Greedo

      The wording on the .PDF always trumps what’s written on the site. I probably wrote that with the idea of adjusting that card for Greedo but I’ve never actually made the change.

      Would love to hear from others if they’ve tried this deck out.

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      • From Freaky Mutant Man on Greedo

        I’ve played this deck a number of times, often when introducing players to the game since I don’t want to pick a deck that’s too strong, though a few times as well with more experienced players. It’s fun to play, though I don’t recall if it has ever won a game; I *think* it might have once or twice, but it’s been a while, so I couldn’t tell you in what circumstances it won. Still, it’s a relatively common pick on my part.

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        • From roman on Greedo

          Nice! I’m glad to hear that it’s fun and doesn’t typically win, but let me know if you ever see it definitely WIN a game. It needs to be weak but still able to win once in a while.

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  • From umondy on Aurra Sing

    I don’t get the meaning of PROJECTILE RIFLE’s wording. Can anybody explain it’s effect to me?

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    • From Freaky Mutant Man on Aurra Sing

      I believe it means that you can attack through anyone that might be between Aurra and her target. So if you want to have Aurra shoot Greedo, but Obi-Wan and Boba Fett are standing in the way, you can use PROJECTILE RIFLE to ignore Obi-Wan and Boba and attack Greedo anyway.

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      • From roman on Aurra Sing

        FMM’s interpretation is correct. You can shoot through people, like the “accurate shot” ability in Star Wars Minis.

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  • From umondy on Quinlan Vos


    this deck really looks awesome.
    I was wondering if this deck would also work as a solo deck as I’m looking for a good solo deck for Quinlan. He really comes a cross as a loner character who works as an undercover agent etc. So I think this would be really fitting for him.

    You mentioned he needs his minors to survive long enough. Any idea how to change the deck so it would actually work withou the minors?

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    • From roman on Quinlan Vos

      Looks like you’ve already taken a crack at it! I’m not really into solo decks so I don’t have much guidance to offer, but I always recommend looking at the Transformers decks, which are listed at the Forum somewhere.

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  • From Jojo on Decks - Power Level

    I was thinking a mother talzin savage opress deck could be interesting dont know if you guys have any thoughts on this

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