Tag: Star Wars Epic Duels

What’s in a Duel? Rob Daviau Interview Part 2 of 5

After seeing a recent surge of interest in Epic Duels here and on the Wiki, I contacted Rob Daviau , the original creator of Star Wars Epic Duels, and requested an interview.  He agreed, and we met in person at the NYC Toy Fair in February.  This is the second part of our 10-minute conversation: Roman:  I feel like that [Yoda] deck, …

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Epic Duels Session Report: The Jedi of old battle it out in 4 matches

Four in-person 2v2 duels preceded by a rousing match of Slapshot.  All four duels featured lightsaber wielders as major characters and in most cases, minor characters as well. Darth Plagueis & Apprentice Sidious and Sora Bulq defeated Master Obi-Wan & Jedi Knight Anakin and Saesee Tiin & Agen Kolar on Geonosis Arena Obi-Wan & Anakin aggressively …

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Epic Duels Rogue One decks

Krennic and Chirrut & Baze defeated Jyn and Cassian & K-2SO, twice Neither Jyn nor K-2 could get much going either game, while Chirrut & Baze are actually a pretty tough duo, at least in this matchup.  What’s also true is that of the 4, Krennic probably has the most staying power, followed by Chirrut …

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