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  • From Jared on Dooku Jedi Knight

    I’m a recent entry into the custom decks portion of the Epic Duels universe… buddies and I played the original at university for hours and hours and hours… knowing nothing about all the new characters found online. Now that we’ve found this, we’re all nearly as giddy as school girls.

    After looking at Dooku and Qui-Gon’s deck, I printed it right away, because I really like (1) the Master powering up the Apprentice idea, and (2) this relationship is one element in the movies I wish they’d developed further. A few times playing it has found it to be lots of fun.
    All that said, here are 2 things we’ve found that might require some minor tweaks….

    1) There was some ambiguity regarding the Padawan Training card…. Is QuiGon’s action free attack defendable? I believe it should be (similar to Maul’s Sith Speed) but 2 other guys thought the extra attack could not be defended…. ultimately resulting in my death and their victory. What’s the official intent?

    2) The Into the Fire card could use some slight re-wording. I believe it to be a great idea; however, each of us had to read it a few times before we grasped it. If we understand it correctly, after Qui-Gon moves, if there are 3 adjacent enemies, each enemy receives 3 damage? It could be worded like this: “After movement, each enemy adjacent to Qui-Gon receives damage equal to number of adjacent enemies” Same stuff different pile I guess.

    Thanks so much for doing all this great work. It’s much appreciated. Keep it up!

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  • From GK on Mace Windu

    I like the idea of changing 2 wisdoms for 2 Masterful Fightings. I think the A6 instead of A5 may be pushing it for a standard ED set, although I know Geektopia has a power creep. How strong is he? And without the creep, would it be better to just switch the wisdoms for MF? Does Mace actually miss wisdom at all?

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    • From roman on Mace Windu

      Mace does occasionally miss the hit-and-run ability that having so much WISDOM gave him but it’s a great trade-off for him.

      The new “Power Level” page addresses his level of strength — right at the very top. He’s the best toe-to-toe melee combatant in the Geektopia universe and even eclipses the original Obi-Wan in this regard. However, I think the original Obi is a slightly better 2v2 deck due to the ridiculous power of FORCE CONTROL.

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  • From Roy on Darth Vader, Jedi Hunter

    This deck is a monster! Totally fits the “ass-kicking dude in a cape” theme because that’s exactly what he does. First time we played with this deck, I pulled an “I Have You Now” with two “Battle Rage” cards and a “Wrath” in the opening hand against Assaj Ventress. Combine that with him getting a very offensive pull and me having the first turn, I said “I’ll have her, please” and it was game like that. I’ve been convinced ever since, and I have not since gotten such a lucky 1v1 pull (thankfully).

    Love the deck, he’s as powerful as a Jedi Hunter of his stature should be (and I feel the same way about Grievous!)

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  • From Adrian on Darth Vader, Jedi Hunter

    I am very interested in purchasing additional characters and playing cards. Can you please let me where I can purchase?

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    • From ian on Darth Vader, Jedi Hunter

      There are no pre-packaged sets of Epic Duels expansions to purchase. You can download and print cards from sites like this and you can find more at . For figures, we use Star Wars Minis which you can find on Ebay. Happy dueling.

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  • From Roy on Cin Drallig

    Yeah, that’s what I was thinking too. But, a way to change that could be by making the Padawan a single named minor (since the character in the picture is) and make Sword Trainer a Talent Card of his, but then that might deviate from the inspiration since Cin Drallig was more a general instructor. But again, just spitballing. Still love the deck!

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  • From roman on Cin Drallig

    Thanks Roy! We like it too.

    The idea of letting unnamed minors use a major’s special card after his death deviates too far from the rules for us to make that change officially, but feel free to make that tweak for your own sessions.

    And keep the reports coming!

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  • From Roy on Cin Drallig

    I absolutely love this deck! Me and my friends have played a few matches with him, and though he has yet to win, that’s because he’s fought an Original Obi-Wan solo and in a 2v2 paired up with Bultar Swan who pulled absolutely NO cards. But they’re terrified and always have tried to get him simply because of three main things; his variablity, his speed, and his Padawans! Despite my difficulties winning, I love this deck because it’s so reactional, for lack of a better word. You can’t really plan so much as you have to work with the flow, which makes you unpredictable (because you are) which really can mess with your opponent’s head! Love the deck, the only thing I could think of changing would be to make Sword Trainer playable even when Cin is dead, it could help make up for the difference present in his lack of stability, but I’mma try that with my buds before I throw it out there ass more than a spitball.

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  • From roman on Ahsoka Tano

    Hey thanks! Problem solved, sorry about that!

    We haven’t played this one a whole lot so if you do, please let us know how it plays!

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  • From pfonstad on Ahsoka Tano

    Looks like a fun deck! The link to the pdf isn’t working though 🙁 Any chance it can be fixed so I can print it out and play it?

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  • From roman on Dooku Jedi Knight

    Thanks Josh. To me, the idea is that a younger, more light-sided Dooku has a different fighting style with different abilities. This sort of represents a more focused lightsaber move, either for offense or defense. The later Dooku has a different style of fighting, and has abandoned the single, focused move for more consistently strong, persistent attacks.

    It’s true they have a lot of offensive potential but we have yet to see them realize it…

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  • From Josh on Mara Jade the Emperor's Hand

    Love the character, not so happy with the current (Mara) decks out there, looking forward to seeing this!

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  • From Josh on General Veers

    A good start, I like the decks that do new things with the rule set, I would suggest thinking about dropping a grim tactics and adding 1 Strategic Genius (mostly because he has no bringing back snowtroopers and Stategic Genius is more useable then Grim Tactics…most people will probably go after the snowtroopers in the beginning so gives him some staying power…also shooty whirlwind is potent!)
    I also like the twist on battlefield commander but would suggest only having 2 of those, drop one for anything really…3rd probe droid or maybe a defence card for good ol veers (def 5ish maybe that can be played by an adjacent snowtrooper as well?)

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  • From Josh on Dooku Jedi Knight

    Nice Deck, didn’t scrutinize over it, but one thing that popped out was the Jedi Master card…Count Dooku doesn’t have anything on scale with that and he theoritically has a few more years of training on him…was thinking maybe a def 7 card that makes attacker discard one? The deck has a lot of offensive potential as it is between Dooku and Qui-gon
    Anywho thanks for all tha amazing decks and hard work you all pour into this 🙂

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  • From Anthoz on Big Battle, Day One

    I know I’m a year late… But…

    I still play Epic Duels, too. And use added/expansion/custom decks as well.

    Any chance you play near Southern California?

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  • From roman on IG-88

    Why you gotta playa hate on IG-88?

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  • From Jon on Adi Gallia

    was this done in the deck designer?

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  • From Jon on Adi Gallia

    What are the attack values for PIERCING BLADE and SEARING BLADE?

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  • From Ian on Mace Windu

    Mace rules

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  • From roman on Darth Sidious

    What do you mean, can you not create an account? If you continue to have problems, please email me directly,

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